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Maria Sirona

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Everything posted by Maria Sirona

  1. This actually got a laugh out of me. I love it!
  2. Name suggestion for the future modular station: Halfway Station. As in when you have reached orbit, you have reached halfway to anywhere
  3. Floor 4518: literally Tuonela, the afterlife of finnish mythology (not really "life", your soul just kinda goes to sleep forever there)
  4. The Argentine ants capture the CubeSat and reverse engineer it. Then they proceed to conquer the Universe with their new CubeSat fleet! @Kimera Industries wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  5. Jool is still only the size of Earth, so the SLS is fully capable of lifting off. @TwoCalories wins!
  6. Floor 4507: an extremely surreal world of mathematics. You must find the value of X before you can cintinue upwards
  7. Floor 4502: a theater showing the movie Catma
  8. Floor 4496: a sign saying "This building does not have exactly 8993 floors, and therefore this is not the exact halfway point
  9. To solve its crisis, the AI decides that it must make the maximum possible amount of paper clips. It starts with that specific metal can. The metal can is, as you could guess, turned into paper clips. @Kimera Industries wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  10. Floor 4479 Models of finnish cities, in a row in order of least to most infamous
  11. The Falcon 9 lands on top of the Ariane 6, disintegrating it with its engine exhaust. @Kimera Industries wins!
  12. The heroes go on a trip to save Earth from asteroid 4942 Munroe, but they get into an argument over who is the best hero. Munroe ends up being left alone, not that it would impact Earth anyway. @TwoCalories wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  13. Floor 4470: A plan for what would have been the greatest space mission ever, if the greatest minds of spaceflight could have struck their wise heads together (with infinite funding)
  14. Try escaping into the Dark Forest
  15. It appears that i'm faster. I think it's @Souptime now
  16. Deddly and the spambots spam the forums into crashing before the sneaky spoiler-looker can look. @kspbutitscursed wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
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