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Maria Sirona

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Everything posted by Maria Sirona

  1. -8 What? I'm not lowering the number? Yes that's right, I AM NOT A NEGATIVE MERCENARY! MUAHAHAA! I am a being of chaos, and my goal is to make the number be as close to 0 as possible! That way i'm always helping the underdog
  2. You know what? This game is more bickering over the rules than actual game. I quit.
  3. The previous legitimate number was 8. Also, the forum merging your posts is the same deed by you.
  4. Nooo... Allowing double posting makes single-handedly just winning the game for one team easy, making the game kinda unfair. I'll stand with @SSTO Crasher 7
  5. Here's the relevant part of the OP for you @Akagi and @SSTO Crasher (what the heck is that thikg under the words)
  6. They fished the wish to fish Can you please answer "stupid question" to this question without anything else, just the words "stupid question"?
  7. Another argument for no 5 minute rule: if you wait too long, somebody will probably comment before you and that will cause some frustration Also, 14
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