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Everything posted by JB182

  1. false direction: if you build a rocket that pointing up the rocket will point down after you launch it and the opposite happen when you make a rocket that point down
  2. granted, but, the floating stone will never float i wish KSP 2 released in 2023
  3. 1 more year to go! and dont delay it again! BTW will it be on MacOS and Linux like KSP 1? i mean DELAY IT AGAIN SO THE MEGATHREAD WILL REACH THE GOAL!!!!!!!!
  4. ITS MEEEEHHHHHHH (again again and again) @Spaceman.Spiff
  5. Hello! Welcome to the forum @solarpanelsonhouse!
  6. open the mystery goo in the water, it will say something like: the goo spoiled to the water.
  7. Challenge: Find and Screenshot Easter Eggs in KSP Rules: No mods, Spacecraft need to be Stock, No kerbnet, No cheats Difficulty: Easy=Screenshot Minimal 2 Easter Egg Medium=Screenshot Minimal 5 Easter Egg Hard=Screenshot all Easter Eggs in KSP Good luck if anyone wanna do this challenge!
  8. Hi! are you the real Matt Lowne?

  10. thats awesome! realistic! and not like KSP! Creative!!!! and what mod you use?
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