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Everything posted by Soviet_Velir

  1. Does anyone have a lunar module craft(or full Saturn V craft) in conjunction with a lunar rovng vehicle? Needed to recreate J-missions such as Apollo 15,16,17.
  2. Hello! Webb's model is great! I was curious if the telescope could fit in a shuttle from SOCK? I just want to conduct such a mission as with the launch of Hubble into orbit
  3. Where i can find Hammal. Battery. 2?and Andromeda. Antenna.1? When i try load N1/Soyuz crafts, It shows me this warning
  4. Okay, built an orbiter from scratch, set the elevons to pitch, yaw and roll, and attached the shuttle to the Energia (The rocket is taken from crafting because I don't know how to build it) Launched with FGB, I return to Earth, but still the same problem with aerodynamics
  5. Hey Papasid I was finally able to check Buran for landing (I won’t be able to carry it out before this due to the fact that the laptop is rather weak and worked slowly) I tried to land and ... Again the cabin "falls" like this ... Did I do something wrong? Installed all the necessary mods, version 1.12
  6. Thank you very much for the help! And again, I'm sorry to bother you
  7. So, I tried to see if there is such a problem with the stock docking port. And it turned out that there are no problems, there is enable camera. I mainly used the port from the HabTech2 mod(Redirect, SOCK) and Tantares .... Hmm, so here's why ... Strange, but a friend told me that he should work with mods too ... I'm really sorry and I'm sorry that I wasted your time solving non-existent problems, as it turned out ....
  8. it's not showing up in the PAW which shows up I can`t made video, but i can send screen and translate
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Skl4GDSjsIQxFy8IXrBsU7KSLocjrGiN/view?usp=sharing
  10. I just realized that I sent the wrong screen ... It is generally for another problem ... Once again, I beg your pardon ... Which of the three? I'm just using the ksp logs for the first time jplrepo?What its? I today install last version of the ModuleManager
  11. Ahm..this?....And yes,other cameras has working Thanks for translate for other, i just forggot about translating . .
  12. In Tantares, yes, there is craft with the Soyuz, but it lacks separators on accelerators, and it also turns. I would like a revised version And what about Extras, I'll see, thanks Oh, and I just realized that I forgot to translate all this ... I apologize and thank you very much for translated for others!
  13. Привет! Может ли кто-нибудь отправить файлы для кораблей «Союз» (ракета и корабль вместе, Tantares), SLS с экипажем (ReDirect) и Starship (TundraEx) with their launch pads в версии игры 1.11.0?
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