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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. I have never made a world myself but I believe the guy who wrote that thread may be well versed. Also if you read through the list of threads in this section I believe their may be some older ones that discuss how, or atleast mention members who would know how, who you can ask.
  2. Hi @kspbutitscursed. Sorry not here, I am back working again and so won't be on on weekdays during daylight hours.
  3. No celebrity ever cares about their fans. Oh look, old page.
  4. When you wonder how C3-PO calculated the odds.
  5. The Amish are having a Ban raising.
  6. Yes, that is to keep it warm. Waiter, there are rings of Saturn in my soup.
  7. I wasn't, but now I am. Hi @Watermel00n I will say hi to @N_Danger
  8. N 14 Correcting for the mistake second post from start of this page.
  9. Banned for finding out it is locked in flight by trying to open it in flight.
  10. Yes the movie was based on the book series. Banned for being thoughtful.
  11. There are so many, and it depends what you are after. So best to visit Spacedock and go through the popular mod pages or type in key words in the search to try and narrow down what you want. https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program/browse/top?query=
  12. Yes it is, hence the pun. Secondly, legally only the first person on a new page can declare a new page, so you are banned.
  13. Hi @AuddieD2015. You want my Xwink Transports mod. Those are the troopseats that go in my U-wing. Here is the link on Spacedock. https://spacedock.info/mod/3055/Xwink Transports
  14. Orbital mechanics is cheating. You should just point ahead of the Mun, hit thrust and hope you intersect.
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