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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Mods might have removed some posts they didn't like. We definitely reset when we introduced the current rules. N -61
  2. Quite possibly. Yes Use the "Edge subdivide" function to create extra vertices evenly between the vertices for that edge. Then highlight only the new vertices and scale them evenly in 2 axis so that the edge ends up looking more circular.
  3. Banned for shameless, self promotion.
  4. Here, let me just tap you with this hammer. Customer: There is a Demolition Man in my soup.
  5. Was a sign that pointed to a soap factory.
  6. Then the fishes must be doing the backstroke. If we are constantly losing time, then who is finding it?
  7. Good guess. As I have been off for days. Hello @Caerfinon. I hope all is going well.
  8. N -57 Hi @Nazalassa and @tajwo. I see you are looking back and seeing the chaos we once had before the current rules were introduced. It was a bit like the wild west at one time.
  9. Banned in the Tri-post area. Hey, where's Perry?
  10. It is like a billion censors all screamed out in protest, and then were suddenly silenced. Anybody else see the original Star Wars in a theatre when it had an intermission?
  11. The Crab Nebulae. Customer: Waiter, Sagitarius A is in my soup.
  12. Floor 3269: A rocket pad to launch ships to Elysium.
  13. Floor 3267: The current and fomer Judge Dreads.
  14. Here you go. A glass that is half filled with warm water and half filled with Ice water. Is that a cruise ship that is about to hit an iceberg lettuce, in my soup?
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