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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Hill marched up by the Grand old Duke of York.
  2. Happy New Year everybody.

  3. Happy New Year.

    1. Caerfinon


      Another solar orbit achieved! Happy New Year to you as well. 

  4. 2: It was an antiviolence field. Anybody who promotes violence towards any Kerbal, simply dissappears in a puff of logic.
  5. And so passed the legendary skirmish of @Kerb24 and @Nazalassa. Where only @tajwo was the winner. P 2
  6. Banned by Dua Lipa. (Whoever that is)
  7. Any product that adds something after the word cheese in its title, does not actually contain cheese.
  8. I feel cheated by the lack of cheating.
  9. 1: The Coyote was just about to catch the road runner.
  10. Correcting for @Awesomesauce1337. As they put a P then the intent would have been P -2. This means that @tajwo would have reached the zero they were trying for. Congrats Tajwo. P 1
  11. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Hydro takes all the potential energy of gravity pulling the water down in a lake and concentrates it into a tighter tube then blocks that tube with a turbine that spans the tube, so as to get the maximum energy. For wind turbines the lake is the entire Earth and the flow is due to the atmosphere rushing from high pressure zones to low pressure zones in an attempt to achieve equilibrium. So as I said the comparison would have the turbines being the size of a pin. Also the average large wind turbine moves slowly enough to be followed by the naked eye, so only Darwin Award winners would get hit by them. Once built they only require maintenance to keep going and worn out components over a large time frame can be replaced. Most components can be melted down when worn out and then reformed to be used to make new ones. No need to dig out more from the ground. So I am failing to see why any one who doesn't have shares in big mining would have a problem with them.
  12. No that is Quantum Cola. Now you can bake a pie. If I am inside the Galaxy then how do I know what it looks like?
  13. Your soup is in you and you are in the soup. Remember the Soup will be with you, always.
  14. Jebs 2 miles underground swimming pool and radioactive waste containment facility.
  15. Banned for not making a pie program open sauce.
  16. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    You would have to have a wall of turbines in a circle around the Earth to even get close. A comparison would require the turbine in the mass flow of water to be the size of a pin. Giant cities and mountain ranges can't pull enough energy out of the wind to stop it or even slow it down. So wind turbines certainly won't. Which is a pitty because if they could then we wouldn't get such violent storms.
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