Hydro takes all the potential energy of gravity pulling the water down in a lake and concentrates it into a tighter tube then blocks that tube with a turbine that spans the tube, so as to get the maximum energy. For wind turbines the lake is the entire Earth and the flow is due to the atmosphere rushing from high pressure zones to low pressure zones in an attempt to achieve equilibrium. So as I said the comparison would have the turbines being the size of a pin. Also the average large wind turbine moves slowly enough to be followed by the naked eye, so only Darwin Award winners would get hit by them.
Once built they only require maintenance to keep going and worn out components over a large time frame can be replaced. Most components can be melted down when worn out and then reformed to be used to make new ones. No need to dig out more from the ground.
So I am failing to see why any one who doesn't have shares in big mining would have a problem with them.