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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Ok, but it won't do well in the charts without a hook. Customer: Is that a UN meeting in my soup?
  2. More Thor Mjolnir Mountain.
  3. Here you go, finely sliced U238. Tasty Cheese please.
  4. If you inflate your tyres down on earth then they won't explode in space.
  5. I prefer a Brachiosaurus. TUBM was awake when I wrote this.
  6. ?sdrawkcab ti etirW .siht rewsna ot woH Was it a purple people eater or a purple people eater?
  7. Random stream of consciousness destroyed by the monotoney and drone of the modern world.
  8. Banned because I can't unsee those faces now. As retribution you should have to look up Rick and Morty.
  9. -21 Wherefore art thou new page, a thread by any other name would (not smell at all unless you have a dust problem with your computer, if it does smell it is time to give it a good dusting.)
  10. -27 I have sent off a personal message to request an edit, we will have to wait to see what they say.
  11. I am typing a request to a moderator at the moment. Atomic did nothing bad on the forums, something in real life that I can't discuss meant he can't be here.
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