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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. The best way to prove you are a twit is to buy Twitter.
  2. The Ex Plane Nation is cheating. Cheater!
  3. Tritium Three times the Cookie.
  4. Erased by Mont Blanc.
  5. Probably never again, so enjoy yours. TUBM has landed a rocket on the KSC launchpad.
  6. Banned for hoppin and boppin to the crocodile rock.
  7. These shots were after launching from the KSC, doing an orbit and and landing again, I have also landed back at the starting launchpad before, not hard when you can't run out of fuel. I know it is not canon but I wanted Thunderbird 3 to be more functional and useful. I had had a second airlock in the cargo bay but could never exit by it as it always said it was blocked, even though it wasn't anywhere near a collider, so I made a small airlock that snaps in to place and that fixed it. This is basically finished now except for internals , next project will be Thunderbird 1.
  8. Recently made a model that had an animated walking sequence but even though the foot that was pushing backwards was the only collider in contact with the ground, the body stayed still while the foot slid along the ground as if it had no friction. Can anyone write a plugin where the collider in contact with the ground stays put and the rest of the model moves?
  9. Waiter: You can stop eating any time you want but it will never end. (You can hear the song "Hotel California" playing in the background.") Customer: Is there a clue in my soup?
  10. Granted: But it was renamed "Friends and Families." I wish Empathy was the majority.
  11. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Thank you for the replies. Sorry If I didn't make it clear that this was for a car, but the result is the same.
  12. Nope, he safe and sound in bed now. I reckon @zer0Kerbal is awake though.
  13. Floor 2954: Lots of @Admiral Fluffy towels.
  14. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    If we had engines that had 2 fuel tanks, Hydrogen and Oxygen, and that was the combustion source, then could we drink the exhaust? And I realise that creates an implosion rather than an explosion so you are pulling rather than pushing pistons.
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