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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. I like sandbox, I am more into designing than going places. If you can't see it then how did you know it was about Simple Rockets 2 ? TUBM Can tell me what Simple Rockets 2 is.
  2. 6 I just had a look through and if you look at all of page 118 you will see why. Turns out you may be the reason we have the 5 minute rule.
  3. Playing tennis between continents, it takes the ball awhile to travel. 6
  4. 6. Seems to be doing ok. You were saying your internet was having troubles the other day, so i was just hoping it had got better.
  5. Hi @zer0Kerbal. Are there any plans to make sure this is fully working in the last iteration or have you decided not to work on this anymore?
  6. Waiter: Here is some dry ice. Customer: Did I fall asleep? My soup has gone cold.
  7. Granted: But it looks like some Kerbals were pulling a prank. I wish that the guy who said that they could make a return auto pilot for aircraft left behind in the sky, had actually done so.
  8. Der Ball gets lobbed. Tennis Cup hill.
  9. Banned by the Sci Fy channel.
  10. Goes well with my Quantum nuka Cookie.
  11. Expecting the unexpected. Cheater!
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