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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Here are you sacks sir. I would like alphabet soup please.
  2. Stew is eaten by a Goat. They can eat anything.
  3. Waiter: Depends on whether you wish to be covered in soup or not. Customer: Waiter, this soup tastes like mint icecream, and it is yummy.
  4. Banned for banning someone who banned someone else for banning them for banning the new page which is no longer new and so no longer banned.
  5. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Apart from the obvious that that is back to front. Cats have been known to bring home still alive Brown Snakes (One of the most deadly in Australia) and drop them in the house as a present. So you might want to rethink that one.
  6. Yes it will culdersack. If the ship I am working on is bigger than the entire KSC, is that a bad thing?
  7. Granted: You get a years worth of cat food and then realise you have a small fluffy dog. I wish I could get the sound right.
  8. Waiter: It is pronounced sipper. It is for drinking your soup. Customer: Waiter, what wafer is in my soup?
  9. Granted: Your behind is very cold. I wish for more space.
  10. Banned for banning the banner of the banned new page.
  11. It is like a road map and you never can get it folded back right. Looking for Dres.
  12. Have a Good nut sleep @Admiral Fluffy
  13. Banned for being said Ninja. This new page is banned for being a ninja too.
  14. Waiter: Because you are. You are sitting in front of a mirror. Customer: There is never enough thyme.
  15. You are I because you think. Who do the VooDoo?
  16. Floor 2722: Lots of chemistry experiments. Green goo and tentacles.
  17. Sadly I can confirm this. Averaging about 500 kb a second.
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