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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Chewbacca gets very upset at that. Chewy cookie.
  2. Sorry, but you want the "Ask for stupid soup, get a stupid Waiter" thread. Customer: Is this a knife I see before me, in my soup?
  3. Finally got everything I wanted to work with the X-wing finished. Half way through this I started to think I should have built a GronK Droid first. S foils work and have a good sound effect. Landing gear retracts and stows with slide in covers. My internals are getting better and I am happy with this. RCS can get you off the ground for take off and landing, Engines glow brighter with throttle and the sound effect for them sounds good. My R2D2 clone has RCS enough to get up onto the X-wing and has a retractable power foot for driving. The R2 hole has a lift you put in and a docking plate you attach to it so that the R2, which can dock size 0 at it's feet, can attach and be raised and lowered, it can undock go wherever, come back jump up and then drop into the hole and redock. R2 has a ladder collider on it's back so that a Kerbal can hitch a ride (very handy for retrieving Kerbals floating off in Space.) The X-wing has a ladder that comes out with the landing gear and stows when gear up for easy access. Lots of pics in spoiler.
  4. A T is on hiatus for a while so I will say hi @Nazalassa. Nice to see a starry sky. The other kept making me think something was loading.
  5. Basically impossible, the MM patch to overide every type of parts stock texture would be a nightmare. Better for the player to choose what parts they are using, make up alternate texture files and use the Part Variant module to implement them.
  6. Granted: You take a leap of faith off the high board but forgot to add water. I wish for truck badges in KSP so that @Ben J. Kerman can badge his trucks.
  7. Are you changing their angle of attack when using them as wings? If you are not then it is not surprising that you have high drag. It is like having wings with edges on both sides angled up. You would be better off stopping them so they are lined up along the body and using your stub wings as your lift surfaces in fast forward flight.
  8. Waiter: because you keep putting your finger in it. You are radioactive from eating uranium cereal. Customer: A lead bowl of soup please.
  9. Banned for turning to custard. (Ban the user above you.)
  10. It was fine before the fix on the 20th of February to solve the Chrome problem. That is the trouble with thousands of lines of code, a small change can have unforseen effects in other parts of a program. I can upload to a file sharing site at the expected speed so it is definitely related to the Spacedock server.
  11. Floor 2733: They seem to shoving an enormous pile of tissues in to a furnace to keep it running.
  12. OSNAP Catch Sarlacc is the best krikkit simulator of all time (in my mind)
  13. One wheel of Cheese. One wheel of cheese please.
  14. All the triple C are cheating. You Clever Carpet Cheating. Cheater!
  15. Snotted cookie? Hmmm, new page cookie.
  16. You are most welcome. That is a nice looking launch set up you have there.
  17. Because Google owns it these days. Why isn't called "We know you pay for your internet connection but we are going to bombard you with ads as if this is a commercial TV station"? This new page is brought to you by Soap, "You can scrub all you like but you will never feel truly clean."
  18. I ban because I can and I can because I ban, so though you aren't being panned, you definitely are being banned.
  19. The last pic is just for fun with Jeb playing hide and seek in the R2 units hole. I have a small lift that clicks in there to lower and raise the R2 unit. I haven't taken an underneath on the ground pic yet. @Stone Blue.
  20. Hi there. Thankfully for me it was already set to Quaternions when I started, (maybe the doing of the plugin?), so I didn't get any trouble. I did read the info off the github page you gave me links to and took a screen pic so as to easily refer to it. Haven't tried an animation that is designed to constantly rotate yet but have successfully created a number of animations, including retactable landing pads and ladder for an X wing which use both location and rotation and have covers that slide into place once stowed. I can't upload video but I can get some before and after pics.
  21. Introducing the Chaos model to the Control Agency. Cheater! (missed it by this much.)
  22. One suped up engine. Some cereal please. @Kerbal Productions What has the Kerbal in your banner/signature been eating? It's lips look like it has become zombie.
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