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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. It is not sure what it wants to do. Whether Hill.
  2. "Readjusting Load" (I love it when young people complain about load times. A simple 8 bit colour side scroller used take 10 minutes to load from a cassette tape and all you had to amuse you was flashing colour lines.)
  3. When I did my very first post after I joined, one of the first members to respond was called FruitGoose and had a Banana Goose avatar. They now no longer seem to be a member. Can anyone tell me if they know why they are gone?
  4. Banned for assuming that Dark matter is something you could have any influence on.
  5. +40 Lucky for you I am Chaotic Good. If I was Chaotic Neutral I'd have to start subtracting.
  6. Lifting up the hill. Hills Hoist.
  7. +26 Not everybody knows the shortening of something. Highway Side Portaloos?
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