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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. So that there is very little left over for the average citizen. Moved to the "One sentence that can annoy an entire fan base thread. Might want to look up the history of Viking raids and the lengths taken to misdirect them so that Iceland wouldn't get plundered. Why is it a Hamburger when It usually contains beef?
  2. Congratulations to all the winners. Didn't I congratulate Octobers winners yesterday? Where did that month go?
  3. Because the Belgians like waffles but aren't that keen on potatoes. Why are they also Pom Frites?
  4. Next project. Billiards, using moons as billiard balls. "Watch this: As I knock the Mun into the Dres pocket" (That's no moon, that's a... 8 Ball.)
  5. Because you need something that is not a parody to start with in order to have something to write a parody about. (I have read everything, so I know that Ron was actually a noble character and was only made a dunce in the movies because the producer had a crush on Hermoine.) How many homages to "The Seven Samurai" have there been?
  6. The great thing about a typed forum is that if you are upset at something you have read, you are under no obligation to type it out, and can just rant quietly to yourself and move on. On the opposite side, if you have read something that is helpful or funny or inspiring, you can like or leave a positive comment that not only has the ability to brighten someones day, but might inspire them to post more stuff you like. When people treat each other well, then age is just a number that doesn't matter in the forum. I put no importance on age, gender,nationality,heritage,sexuality and the like. All that matters is how you treat others. Enough people on this forum treat each other well to make a good and safe feeling place to be. If you do come across the rare rotten apple, just let the moderators know quietly and then move on to happier things.
  7. Tension around the wishing fountain can be cut with a knife, will someone throw a coin in or take a coin out. +15
  8. Banned for reading Vogon poetry out loud.
  9. You didn't reply to yourself. That is a bit rude. @Kerbals_of_Steel, hope all is going well for you.
  10. Lets see. Have you read the Hairy Petter series by J.K.Growling?
  11. +13 Fighting has been intense on both sides, each leader throwing wave after wave at each other. With seemingly unlimited resources, we may be looking at the next 100 years war.
  12. Just for a sec. Possibly, but Kand people live in the desert. Be careful where you send an unmanned rover. How do you tell Bill, Bob and Jeb apart?
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