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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Hi @Maria Sirona and @AtomicTech. Only took me 21 hours to reply Sorry, but I have been slowly getting some 3d modeling done, it almost sent me over the edge but I finally got a good result.
  2. We estimate that it will most likely come out within 2 years time.
  3. So true. But those things aren't out to get you, you are just in their path, For things like gravity and hurricanes, They are forces of nature and they just do what they do while you realise that as an individual , by yourself, you don't get a say in the matter. As for wild predators, you are just walking meat, if you can run faster than the person next to you then it will take that person down and not care if it wasn't you who was lunch today. Lesson as an adult. Be aware through learning and experience, what can seriously hurt or kill you and then do your best to stay out of those situations in the first place. Extreme sports look fun if you get them right, but make sure you a willing to spend a year in a full body cast as all your shattered bones try to heal again, before you try them.
  4. Life is chaos. Anything that is not a human being feels no malice towards you and is not out to get you. The majority of humans are surprised the first time they get something right, then they just keep repeating what they did. Even the most selfless person at some level does things for their own benefit, just be glad if it also benefits you. Never be surprised when someone hurts you or lets you down. Just be glad for all the times they didn't. Politicians have no long term goals or any idea what they are working towards (this applies to the majority of humans too) they are just keeping busy so that they get their pensions at the end. Not everybody is as logical as you, or take the time to see the bigger picture. (E.g people who hold on to a specific statistic that suits their agenda while ignoring everything else that is happening around them because it would break their world view if they noticed.) There is no "Meaning to Life", it just is, the trick is to feel happy about atleast 1 thing each week till it has passed. There are tons of other basic bits of knowledge to make things easier but they have either already been covered since the first post on here, or will be by someone else who drops by.
  5. A very rotund, bright orange dog that is known to accidentally roll down hills. Karmatrinocerous.
  6. I will see what I can do. Will have to try to keep them flatish as KSP has a vertice limit, that the .mu plugin keeps reminding me of. I don't really do IVAs so it will be something open like the others. My setup is very basic and though I have been slowly learning new tricks, it still takes many iterations till I get a model how I want. The Jeep and Fun Buggy are done but for some last accessories. I hope to do a beach buggy/beetle like thing next and a large open 4x4. I have new spotlights that use the latest light system, a new Jerry can and a KAS using winch done. Looking at some sort of box for the hood as the only racks I saw were for High Lift Jacks and that is not really functional for KSP. Also a can holder, even though you can literally stick the can to the sides of things. Defender can on left and my new one on right.
  7. Goodmorning, good-day, goodevening or goodnight. @Spaceman.Spiff
  8. It breaks your speed. When you wake up and realise you have slept in and need to rush out the door it forces you to stop and eat it, so that you are slowed down and even later. Who has your measure?
  9. Granted. Each gets one verse. I wish for a bicycle that can be ridden by Kerbals.
  10. The people who make flat wooden sticks with little, regularly spaced, notches on them. If you manage to rule the world, will it measure up?
  11. Because the fish would O.D. Who wants to rule the world?
  12. Granted, BLAH DAH!!!!!!! I wish I understood why we must keep creating new but not fixing old.
  13. A lone figure from a distant shore arrives at the hill. It is Konan the Karbarian. He claims the hill in the name of Krumb. He uses Kroutons to cross the moat. Konan's Krumby Hill and Krouton moat.
  14. No worries. It already has a node for the spare wheel. (my wheels come without shock towers so you just pop one in the spare wheel spot and turn off the steering and power. I don't make them cargo parts though because past results in that area have been disasterous when an engineer tries to reattach.) There are jerry cans already available in my Kerbin Rover Redux mod. But I might add another for this mod. I have a light bar already made that fits the roll bars. I will look up the hood rack to see what it looks like. Extra spots also available in the Kerbin Rover Redux mod. This is not an exact replica of a Willys or CJ but rather a Kerbal similar version. https://spacedock.info/mod/2804/Kerbin Rover Redux
  15. Yep, always have cargo docked so they are treated as part of the craft or use the mod "Hangar" https://spacedock.info/mod/1000/Hangar
  16. These are meant to be for transport of Kerbals and supplies, not tanks. But there is already room in the back when in 2 seat mode for ammunition boxes and the like. I am sure you can attach missles and machine guns to the roll bars. The trailer will give you plenty of storage. If you want vehicles set up for war/BDA you might like the mods by @StinkyAce https://spacedock.info/mod/2832/M4E8 Sherman Tank "Fury" https://spacedock.info/mod/2841/German WW2 Horch https://spacedock.info/mod/2840/German WW2 Kubelwagen
  17. Colour schemes it has, single tone for the body but all the ones the Mokes have. You will have to clearly explain what you mean by BDA adapter if you want whatever that is.
  18. Since you quartered the rent, I could afford a soup moat. Hey Waiter, there is a moat of soup around MY HILL.
  19. manamana doot do da do do manamana doot do do do manamana doot do do do doot do doot do doot do doot, dada doot doot do do Do!
  20. @shdwlrd I am building an American style Jeep to go with the next iteration, with left hand drive. Any accessories you would like for it? I will be doing the windscreen, a roll bar, a canopy, possibly a KAS using winch and a rear protection bar. I already have a trailer that works with all 4 of my current vehicles, some bigger offroad tyres and a much bigger wheel for serious rock climbing, I have built a portal hub adapter so the vehicles can use them. @Caerfinon @Kerminator K-100(because you like rovers) @Singhnaut(because you were interested)
  21. Hi @Space Kerbalisation Tech. Hope you are well. Not sure if @AtomicTech is awake at this time of day.
  22. Interplanet Janet, what a cool name. ( start singing "Hallucinating Pluto" by the B52s to myself.) They have probably gone now but maybe @Space Kerbalisation Tech?
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