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Space Kerbalisation Tech

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Posts posted by Space Kerbalisation Tech

  1. 15 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    Careful not to get the wrong idea. This is only an idea post for anyone who can make this and might want to, to run away with. I can't write dlls and I have enough to make already in parts mods.

    … whoops. (I assumed it was in dev since it was in add on releases.)

    But thanks anyway. At least keeping it in the overview ui would mean that it can be finished faster if someone makes this and it would be better on my potato pc.

  2. Great mod! Looking forward to it!

    Suggestion: perhaps you could make animations for the shuttles as instead of making them purely imaginary, you could add an animation for them arriving at/docking/leaving the depots when focused on vessel or something like that (e.g. launch animations from the KSC building select view, not sure if that can be done) and make it more realistic in a way. (for me when I use KSTS I feel that it would feel more realistic if the selected launches actually exist)

  3. Shouldn’t this be in add on disscussions?

    i recommend the MEV heavy industries mod (https://spacedock.info/mod/2621/MEV Heavy Industries (MEV)) which has some parts that have both high thrust and efficiency,  but if you want things that are more realistic, far future technologies (https://spacedock.info/mod/2603/Far Future Technologies) will do. The latter is mainly overpowered in terms of efficiency (e.g. you can build craft that have burn times measured in days or months with an acceptable twr) but with less impressive thrust compared to the epstein drives from MEV heavy industries. Compared to MEV, far future technologies have great textures and plumes and there are a lot more parts and new resources,


  4. @jora welcome to the forum. Try a different way of opening it, such as right clicking ksp.app and select "show package contents" from the right-click menu, and open the Unix Executable File "ksp" using terminal located in "ksp.app"->"contents"->"MacOS"->"ksp". I might be wrong, but if you downloaded ksp as a zip file (not the installer thing), I think what you described (the "black screen with an orange rectangle at the bottom") is a result of directly clicking the "ksp.app" and not following the aforementioned procedure. To be fair, I have no idea why that needs to be done (I'm not a computer scientist) but it worked for me (after a lot of trial and error) when I first started playing ksp a long time ago. By the way, have you downloaded and opened ksp v1.12.3 in the same way as  you did in v1.7.2? Hope this helps!

  5. I take control of the I.S.V. VentureStar (big antimatter-matter powered interstellar spacecraft in the move Avatar) and crash it into your interstellar hill at 70%c . The hill is completely turned into light and energy by the antimatter fuel contained.

    Random photons and subatomic particles drifting through space that was once a hill.


  6. After the hills are come alive and become self aware. they plot to destroy humanity. humanity is forced nuke the hill and now instead of the sound of music, you can hear the sounds of nuclear detonations.

    Vaporised Radioactive Plasma Hill



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