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Space Kerbalisation Tech

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Everything posted by Space Kerbalisation Tech

  1. You (your avatar) are already 2d how does one build the Interstellar Vehicle Venturestar or the Rocinante in real life?
  2. Infrasonic H-bomb Jeb’s favourite book?
  3. Back in my day, we built and flew rockets in a video game, not launch homemade interstellar probes to alpha centauri every few days.
  4. The mod galaxies unbound (or more specifically, the folder GU parts) have antennas that are able to communicate through multiple light-years.
  5. Here you go, the leaning tower of Pisa. Can i have some helium-3 for my pet fusion reactor?
  6. A possible workaround is to switch to the tracking station as soon as you have completed the departure burn and time warp from there until you are well within your destination system's soi. This should work (at least it has for a few times in my game) but no warranty.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by "crashing to the desktop", but as long as you have the minimum required specs on your computer (check the first page of this thread) and install the mod properly, there is no reason it shouldn't work. (At least it does for me) The engines in this mod are designed to take you to other systems and they absolutely can. If you want proof, here are some images showcasing a probe that i sent to alpha centauri (nova kerbani). The probe reached just short of 35% c and delivered 20 tons to a medium orbit nova kerbani a with around five days of fuel to spare (so you definitely want the mod Persistent Thrust) using the ICF engine from GU. The probe first uses it's chemical rockets (from NFLV) to accelerate out of kerbin orbit. Seperation The mighty interstellar fusion engine ignites and burns for 60 days After five years of travel, the spacecraft preforms a flip and burn to capture around the nova kerbani barycentre into a high orbit with a period of more than a decade. The target for this mission is Nova Kerbani a because of the one or two possibly habitable exoplanets. After capturing around Nova Kerbani a, the fairings, interstellar dust shield and propulsion stage are jettisoned and the solar panels and scientific instruments are deployed. Hope this helps @lzh BTW great work StarCrusher and all who helped make this amazing mod, thanks very much.
  8. I'm sorry, we ran out of the letter 'c' so here is your oonut ooa with uumbers. Tacos please
  9. Click time elapsed since last thread unlock: approximately 5 days, 21 hours, 23 minutes, and 0 seconds or 5.891 days or 141.383 hours or 8,483 minutes or 508,980 seconds
  10. the martian (a really good book that is actually related to botany)
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