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Aerodynamic Kerbal

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Everything posted by Aerodynamic Kerbal

  1. Good job! One question: How much Delta V do you have on the lander before the Trans-Kerbin-injection?
  2. Cars 2 Haha, jokes, people. When I was younger I would watch this movie after kindergarten, EVERY DAY.
  3. Heavy Update? Heavy? hevy HEAVY UPDATE?!?!? hvy updt
  4. There should, but if you happen to have a controller or Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, problem solved!
  5. I've never cared about super giga extra graphics - I just care about FPS and gameplay. KSP2 will be just too "advanced" for me. And see, don't hate me for that, but... I've never really been a fan of gigantic sci-if monolithic structures. Like colonies, or big spaceships. I have been on Windows 7 for quite some time. Now I'm on 10. 11 came out. I STILL prefer 7 than 10 and 11, even though the newer ones have more stuff.
  6. I've tried playing with my PS4 controller on my phone. It worked out with Bluetooth. So I guess the controls could not oppose a problem - just get a cheap controller and you're done.
  7. Banned for uhh uhhhhhh U H H H H H H HH H H H something i guess P.S. Buran is a Shuttle. He could be a Buran pilot.
  8. KSP on mobile will be like GTA V on a Nokia 3310! But if there are less parts, worse graphics, it might work.
  9. Why will I not switch to KSP2? Well, thats why: I haven't completed the game like fully, I haven't made a *successful* SSTO, haven't made it to other planets, other than Duna... I like the looks of the original. Like the way the kerbals look, the parts... So am I the only one?
  10. I think its because it really is easy, like Austin said. And I'm not THAT famous amongst the KSP forum members.
  11. What the title says. What engines do you use for: Proton replicas? Vostok upper stages? Soyuz upper stages? Mercury-Redstone? Atlas? Delta?
  12. Try making some rocket replicas. Like Soyuz, Vostok,(R7 family rockets are easy) Gemini-Titan II, (I don't like the stock and only possible version, because it doesn't have the adapter piece and its only possible with a bunch of fairings) SATURN V? (No but Saturn V requires some building skill), Space Shuttle (I, myself can't either enter orbit or de-orbit it.), SLS (SLS is easy, if you were to ask me), Proton, Atlas V, Ariane V (Oh wait, hah there is a stock version), Delta II, III, IV, IV HEVY, Falcon 9 (I- Just can't land boosters without the landing legs going to hell), N1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try making a probe to Jool, moving its orbit just with moons (and some small course changes, so get some fuel) Use all engines in your save game. Just learn them. Find YOUR save's green monolith (I FOUND IT YESTERDAY!!!111!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!11!!!!1)
  13. We all know, there are some threads that are famous and everyone visits them, but me, I don't visit exactly them. My most important thread is obviously the Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition Update one. I check it everyday. So whats yours?
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