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Aerodynamic Kerbal

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Everything posted by Aerodynamic Kerbal

  1. It would be a great idea to have aliens that you can trade materials with, for example, they will give you 20L of liquid fuel and oxidiser if you give them 10 kgs of ore from Eeloo. They should give you missions as well, like taking one of their kind and landing it on Duna for a reward. Pretty much contracts in career, but a little more complicated. Let us not forget about the possibility of detecting an S.O.S. signal from a foreign ship that you can rendezvous with and commit blunderbird. And maybe you can even spot their ships while drifting away in space. Like a giant space station that you can dock to and refuel. You have to pay with credits just in career.
  2. You have to hold L1. The bad thing is, its moving slow. Veeeeeery slooooow. I made a gravity ring, but I still haven't launched it. Also, theres a glitch (Probably exclusive just for console, hehe) on the launch pad, in which the ring shakes aggressively and the whole space station bursts. So, to fix that, don't forget your autostrut! Dont. Seriously, dont.
  3. Boris became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-eating monster. The inspector immediately panicked
  4. I don't even know if there's a company updating the game. The previous company left, so now we're alone. I think Squad kinda got into it (1% of the work time im pretty sure), but Private Division are working 100% on KSP2. And that's why I have an unpopular opinion: KSP2 is ruining console.
  5. Hear me out... What if kerbals could collect hair, milky teeth and fecal samples from the animals? And maybe if there are plants too, from which you can get seeds and plant them in the spaceship, while performing growing experiments? Also fruits. If a kerbal finds a tree he can take a fruit and either plant it in a base or eat it, giving him lets say, 5% speed on the surface. Fruits should also be able to be turned into organic fuel for ion or nuclear engines.
  6. You need a very very small rocket, and of course, solar panels. Its required to launch at day with extended solar panels, probably at noon when you get the most sunlight. Good luck.
  7. Im not sure if anyone does this, but if I were to personally make a blueprint I would just put an ore container and push the ∆v to the max (around 3700m/s) Then you can just take the ore container and see its mass. If you still have some leftover fuel after entering orbit, put a little more weight in it, until you barely make it. Now, its not having to be the exact mass written in the blueprint. Example: The rocket can lift 17.893 tons to LKO with 5m/s left. You can just type in "Mass to LKO ≈ 18 tons".
  8. I wonder if a Kerman Kerman can be generated (without the kerbonaut maker cheat)
  9. I saw what appeared to be a Su-25 Frogfoot. Im in Karlovo for the summer, which is close to Graf Ignatievo Air force base. It was at about 1000-2000 meters as I saw it out of my window.
  10. Teardown Just imagine if your first Mun landing isn't so successful and you crash... INTO A MILLION BITS!
  11. I think you might do it with enough offset. If you add a radially attached attachment point, put on a decoupler and a structural tube with the right diameter, then offset it so that the stage 1 engine is covered up and then finally add 2 fuel tanks on the sides. Of course there is an easier way but I can't think of such
  12. We, console players are trapped. Trapped. In a never ending realm where we never get to see the delights of 1.11 and 1.12. We. Are cursed. Forever. And ever.
  13. As in every game, in KSP there are a lot of unseen small details. But... There's no thread for them! So there it is I guess. I can start off by saying a very interesting thing: If a kerbal is in the external command seat without a helmet at around 9000 meters, it will die! Where do I know that from? Experience, of course.
  14. Using parachutes for Eve? Not kerbal NOT KERBAL!!! Using ant engines for Eve? So Kerbal
  15. Calling 911 because your PC won't turn on
  16. You can do it in a different way, by finding it in the Advanced parts searching mode (I forgot the name, haven't played the game in more than a month!) Oh and btw I have returned! (I still wont post so much though)
  17. This is so true for me. Like... WHICH IS YELLOW AND WHICH IS ORANGE?!?
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