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Everything posted by planeticegaming

  1. hey, im trying to install this for my modpack but everytime i try and boot it, ksp crashes midway through the bootup. when i go to ckan it tells me scatter is incompatible with GPP. am i just being stupid or am i doing something wrong?
  2. hey does anyone know if blueshift and other end game warp drive mods work?
  3. From what it looks like i think it is due to CTT being installed maybe?
  4. did my first minmus landing in my save file, very happy of how it flew! and here's an unedited shot too, cus why not
  5. i wish my hours weren't counted, and i have been playing since late 2020
  6. how do you control all the ships at the same time, i thought they might be one at first with a giant offset to make it appear like they are flying on their own but they change altitude and spin on their own axis too. how do you do it? also yet another great vid cupcake!
  7. I launched my first HKO (crewed) in my new science playthrough aboard the Merlin rocket Lift Off!! Leaving atmosphere Orbital Raise burn eye candy Scott Scott (his letteral name) touches down 6km off the KSC
  8. my Eagle 8 booster performing suicide burn after decoupling from my LOTV (Low Orbit Transfer Vessel) This was actually the first time i this booster successfully touched down on land or in one piece, other times it ran out of fuel moments before landing or splashed down in the ocean only to fall over destroying it.
  9. my old Low kerbin orbit space station, it ran at a glorious 5Fps and this isn't even it when it was finished.
  10. even extendable parts on the rover that expand when your rover stops for the night or at a suitable site, like the original wagon part in B1, but more and not just storage or an passenger module, like greenhouses, a multipurpose room or even a module with tons of rooms for kerbals to sleep in. also considering the magic rotating seats and other parts the iva should be able to change, instead of just the part changing and the IVA staying the same. or an extendable docking port, like feline rover's one! (idk if B2 has one?)
  11. Did a couple mun missions today in my career save fil Merlin 2 landing merlin 3 landing When Hark got back to orbit it seemed that Vankel had disappeared, nowhere to be seen, craft intact tho. DAMN YOU KRACKEN!!!! Merlin 3 re-entry (kinda hot ngl)
  12. made an updated version of my Low tier SSTO didn't work as well as the previous model tho, and barely made it out of orbit, i might need to minimize surface area of the wings and replace command pod for a lighter one, maybe upgrade swivel to a mainsail or reliant
  13. made a low tier SSTO today in my career save
  14. is there any chance we can get a station variant of the cargo bay with no floor? or maybe a cargo bay with a deployable roof (like the mk3 cargo bay)
  15. is there a chance of adding more expanding modules like the wagon in phase 2 or 3 since i absolutely loved those parts.
  16. what adds that dam? looks really nice that plane tho!
  17. i really hope Pathfinder gets an update and some new parts
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