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  1. is there a patch for tetrix thats updated for the latest release of BDB?
  2. Is there a way to combine the two so we get both the science experiments and the life support? Since the science defs in the modular kerbalism are much more extensive than default simplex kerbalism
  3. @theJesuit will the science be bundled with simplex kerbalism?
  4. I'm personally getting issues with tetrix still, something about duplicate ids and the tech tree looking all scrunched up. i.e., overlapping nodes
  5. Is there any way to merge this with simplex kerbalism? I really want to use the suite of experiments with the simplex kerbalism, especially those provided by BDB.
  6. actually going to uninstall the mod due to all this spam making the console unreadable when trying to find other issues lol which sucks because it adds amazing ambience
  7. I'm trying to run the mystery goo unit but it says in VAB that it has 0.00 samples, and im trying to find where I can edit this value, as without it the experiment is completely useless (since it has 0 samples to use), has anyone written a patch for it yet?
  8. It also seems the mystery goo experiment isnt working from the container. Attempting to run it returns "depleted". Ive looked a bit more at it, and appears that the mystery goo experiment defined for the mercury recovery chute part is completely different from that of the one assigned to the stand alone mystery goo part? For one the mercury part cant switch exploration experiments, requires someone to observe, a scientist to reset, and 1 sample. The independent part, however, has 0 samples, and the requirements to be manned aren't listed. Above is the defined experiment for the mystery goo part. this is the experiment for the mercury recovery module. I am trying to find what is up with this in the exploration experiments file but ive come up with nothing.
  9. Is it me, or is the Atlas main sustainer engine missing an upgrade on the tech tree? I see the upgrade for the lifter engine for the Atlas II, but not for the vacuum?
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