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Everything posted by Kerbal410

  1. how does combat in space work? the AI pilot doesn't work in orbit
  2. yeah. I mean, I guess so. I'm just looking for a F-22 style nose with chines, not the thing beneath it in front of the landing gear if that's what you meant, kind of weird asking this in a mod about airliner parts.
  3. yes the only thing that worries me is the warnings I'm getting from Toolbar Controller when I place any of this mod's parts on my vessels.
  4. that nose was what I was talking about. I can't seem to find a mod with a nose like that. the fins should be easy to replicate, not so much for the hump or adapter they are on. N757A is the registration for that particular 757-200. in reality, it was used as a testbed for the F-22, and it's really a shame that it wasn't a passenger variant. here's an aerial view:
  5. Saab 1073/baby 747 cockpit with passenger nose door, Aurora D8 double-bubble cockpit and fuselage parts, a Boeing sonic cruiser cockpit and a Boeing 757 catfish-style cockpit.
  6. I'm most exited for the procedural wings, if my brother was telling the truth about them.
  7. how do I get the Kerbals to carry the cardboard box? EDIT: never mind
  8. a Mk2 fuselage combined with a flying wing design is quite useful. I would also recommend an ECM, just remember to turn it on. NOTE: this won't give you an RCS like the one you want, but it's a start. Also, don’t use more than one ECM. P.S. Nice Mkseries Body (NMB) has some cockpits that come with an ECM, radar, and in the F/A-18Cs case, a gun. You will need a weapon manager and AI pilot flight module, but other than that, those cockpits are quite OP. (The radar on all cockpits have a 200 degree FOV)
  9. oh, ok. I hope what you did gets implemented into this mod because I find the mod 1000 times better now. BTW, when you mentioned the nuclear RBS cruise missile, are you talking about the air-launched or surface-launched version? just want to know if it would be something that could be put into a silo or arm an aircraft with. either way, a nuclear missile geared toward attacking land-based targets would be nice.
  10. I didn't see a dialogue window after I renamed it, and I have windows.
  11. the closest thing to a txt file I found in the right-click menu after going to new was a text document, is that the same thing? also, how do I change the type to a cfg file?
  12. any mod with a Erieye radar? I suggested this to the BDA-Extended mod, but I don't know if that was a waste of time.
  13. is there a mod out there that focuses on adding more AEW&C/AWACS radars as a BDA expansion? more specifically, is there a mod with the Saab Erieye used in the GlobalEye?
  14. ok, thanks. by the way, this is just being maintained, right? I have a bunch of thoughts for airliner parts, but I don't know where to ask. is airplane plus still being added to? or is there some other mod much like this mod and airplane plus?
  15. sorry, it's me again. main wing segments still odd when it comes to decals, also one of the tail adapters seem to have a weird texture (IDK if that's even the right word) problem. here are some images wing segments: https://imgur.com/a/YfAzUln (don't mind the highlighting on the last image. just hoping to see a stock-alike variant that removes the red/yellow) tail adapter : https://imgur.com/a/HOKP7Ij (thanks for fixing those other adapters, BTW, just one remaining. also weird node farther back) lastly, sorry if this is too demanding/bossy
  16. for some reason, I'm getting a warning from B9PartSwitch. anyone else having the same issue? https://imgur.com/e04vRqP timing to get the log (if need be) is challenging due to how fast everything is.
  17. Does anyone know where the engines are on the Hermes shuttle? the unofficial knes wiki doesn't say where the 2 engines are.
  18. for some reason, the stock mk2, and mk3 bays disappear when I have this mod.
  19. hang on. any way I can more/less have it fly for me, like in the "go for orbit!" tutorial? Also found out that target was what I was looking for in the tutorial.
  20. When I try the orbit tutorial, the rocket just flies vertically when I hit prograde after turning on SAS. Flying with out it is worse, as I don’t know when to start turning. any mod out there that can cause this, or perhaps fix it?
  21. For some reason, my prograde marker won’t move. Please help .
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