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Everything posted by Kerbal410

  1. sorry to keep bombarding you with suggestions for parts for this mod (this will probably be my last suggestion for a while) but can you please add a Lynx Rheinmetall Armored Fighting Vehicle and Stryker M1 IM-SHORAD
  2. now that I think of it, why isn't there a side piece for the quarter and 45 degree pipes?
  3. if your going to add parts for the IL-76, can you add a cockpit for the A-50 AWACS variant that doesn't have a glass nose?
  4. nice! can you also add turrets for the Flakpanzer Geopard and Sargant York SPAAGs, the M1128 Mobile Gun System as well as the M163 suggested by Jamma368? sorry if this is too much
  5. I take back what I said about the B-52 Stratofortress. what I really think should be added are parts for the B-47 Stratojet
  6. in that case, can you add tank turrets that combine missiles and guns? (like the ADATS, M6 Linebacker and 2K22 Tunguska) or perhaps a turret with just missiles like the AN/TWQ-1 Avenger? ADATS 2K22 Tunguska M6 Linebacker AN/TWQ-1 Avenger
  7. when can we see parts for the B-52 Stratofortress?
  8. when can we see a cockpit for the SH-3 Sea King? some landing gear for the Blackhawk would be good too because the landing gear from airplane plus causes issues when launching a craft. because this mod has a series of parts for a Blackhawk I thought I'd ask about adding the front gear because the steerable landing gear from the stock game works fine for the tail gear. also, (this would only require a cockpit, cargo bay, cargo ramp and fuel tanks when combined with airplane plus) can you please add parts for a CH-47? (the parts for the chinook I imagine would be a bit wider than the Blackhawks when combined with the side fuel tanks, but it would have roughly the same height as the other 2 helicopters in the mod, minus the engines, and the same goes for the sea king)
  9. can you please add parts for the MI-24? (like the cockpit, doors, and the rotors) or a cockpit for the KA-50/52? the Doors are the main thing I'm wanting because the MI-24 serves as both a gunship and troop transport, so I think the Mk3 size would fit this helicopter the best in the game KA-50 KA-52
  10. can you add a cockpit for the 109/warhawk/hurricane? I'm having trouble using the cockpits from this mod and airplane plus to recreate them without the hatch becoming obstructed from the mk0 size parts I'm using to make them look more realistic
  11. can you add the Fritz-X Guided bomb, Tallboy 12000 Ib bomb and Tiny Tim unguided rocket?
  12. can you add weapons with triangular bullets like in star fox?
  13. Minus the fact that all these turrets would need to be featured in different updates related to the countries that they belong too rather than in one massive one, witch means that we would need to wait a bit to see all of these, including the turret you want to see in the mod
  14. that makes sense, but why did you have a part identical to a stock part in your mod in the first place?
  15. are you talking about the parts that are 100% Black (Don'tstauputnik Probe Core, Tzar-Pushka, Commodore, Pancake, Perun, and Mokosh Liquid Fuel Engines, Extendable RCS boom, large Linear RCS array, and Conformal Rocket Cone), or the parts that are 50% white, 50% black (TR-35C, TR-50A, and TR-50B, Stack Decouplers and Veles Engine Block) or both? and can you remove the Mk0 liquid fuel fuselage because there is one in the game and the part from your mod is the same as the stock one.
  16. can you add parts for the F-117 Nighthawk?
  17. now that I think of it, can you add smoke grenade dischargers to all the tanks with them? (T-90, Leopard 2A5, Strv 122, ect) or perhaps add a setting to switch between an MG or smoke dischargers?
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