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Everything posted by Aegrim

  1. After some extensive R&D i've finally gotten my completed Laythe VTOL SSTO into orbit from Kerbin. It's 3 years early atleast, I still need to fully map Laythe and then scout out a suitable landing site with a rover, then maybe send a Habitat over in advance. On Kerbin it can't even VTOL at full load, but that's will full rocket fuel and a pretty heavy rover carried inside. The VTOL engines will help it come down on a very short strip, and it'll be a lot lighter to VTOL away when they're leaving. The ship on top is there to extract the crew while it sits in a low parking orbit. The port it's using will be used to stick the transfer stage and crew habitat for the journey on. It's balanced to be directly over the COM when it's at full load.
  2. This is my kind of ISS copy, I kind of wish i'd made the long part out of non habital parts but it's too late now. Also wish i'd had the size scaling mod so I could make the solar panels a hell of a lot larger.
  3. Me and my friend are playing on the server on my PC, he can see me but I can't see him flying around. We're trying to use DB armory to shoot each other but atm we can't get the flying around together to work very well. Any ideas?
  4. Oh God I dream of a day when I get a legit disaster from an impact just to have to deal with it. I'd have an actual reason to use my stations life boats.
  5. I'll try a stock install, with or without outer planets? edit - Stock seems to be a pain in the arse to get working. Keeps crashing on startup, this is just with EVE and AVP, no active memory mangement.
  6. I've set it to unlimited and been deliberately ignoring weither or not I'm making a mess. All because I watched gravity after I'd decided to get back into the game and I'm on a new more powerful pc than my previous games. There's already a piece of debris floating around 20km from my ISS. I haven't checked if it's getting any closer or not. And I've added a life boat to it that I'm itching to use.
  7. Yeah i can't see them in game but see them in the config. Your altitude values are minus numbers though, and 3 Astronomer's Auroras.cfg aren't. Could this be the reason? EDIT - I tried removing a few of the minus from the numbers, still can't see anything.
  8. I fixed it, i added the contents of your .cfg to my cloudLayers.cfg and now it's all working. I'm going to try adding some auroras to them by copying Jools, i'm just not sure on what altitudes to use. It's not crashing so I don't have any output_log to send that i know of.
  9. Ok, got it working all perfectly. But as soon as I add your outerplanets cfg all the clouds, auroras, and duna dust storms disappear. I got it to work by ignoring the "3rd step - core mod (just clouds)" step, and installed everything else fine. Keeping the default EVE clouds. Adding your cfg and the only thing that remains is the bright glare(?) of the planets. I can't actually notice anything different with the outer planets either tbh. ps - please read this as feedback, not an emotional rant/moan. I'm just really wanting to take some lovely RPM cam pictures as i approach the moons and can maybe make'em black and white so they look all voyager probe style. EDIT - Yeah i realised Sarnus is supposed to have clouds once i add this .cfg, i went back and checked and it does.
  10. I couldn't actually get it to work, this is the first time, i'm doing it very slowly bit by bit. But i'm still doing it on my full install. Seeing how far i can get before it crashes. Made 2 backups of my install, 1 with just active memory management, and another one with it which i'm adding this to. I had some crap that slowed my down earlier, i'll let you know how far I get.
  11. Somebody in the EVE thread thinks it's an active memory thingy issue, i swapped the files from AVP back to the default EVE files, and now Laythe and Duna have the same clouds as Kerbin, and Jool is back to stock. EDIT - It's also not crashing with these issues, so I don't know what log to post.
  12. Well it did seem to hang a lot on some of the clouds texture files. I didn't check any of the planets that i'd noticed it hanging on. EDIT - Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe are all like this. EDIT 2 - I switched the files from AVP to the default EVE files, and now duna and laythe have kerbin clouds, and I think Jool is back to stock. EDIT 3 - I got it to work by ignoring the "3rd step - core mod (just clouds)" step, and installed everything else fine. Keeping the default EVE clouds.
  13. tygoo7, i've been slowly installing AVP one part at a time and seeing if it works. When i get to step 3 "core mod" with no optional features, with your file I have zero clouds, without your file it looks like polands ball http://i.imgur.com/qyofUtw.jpg So the core mod is making the clouds go crazy, but your file is making them disappear completely. I'm a bit stuck
  14. Trying to get it to work with the outer planets mod, but i seem to be struggling to get it to work with a clean install. I've been copying and deleting game directories and all kinds so i need to get some new outputlogs etc before i can post anything. EDIT - oh god what have i done? http://i.imgur.com/qyofUtw.jpg
  15. If i don't have the config to make AVP work with the outer planets, the game should still load right, just those planets will look wrong? I'm trying to narrow down what's causing me problems.
  16. Is this the right thread to ask for help with astronomers interstellar v2 pack?
  17. quite a few http://i.imgur.com/6OjsZrl.png backed up my gamedata folder and trying to install it different ways. EDIT - Got it working now, kind of, all my clouds have disappeared, but the glows look lovely. Also forgot to install auroras but left it loading to see what happened. The jool clouds texture likes to crash the game while loading. Still don't know why my clouds have disappeared. Yeah, installed it so it doesn't crash, but i only have the planet glow, i can't see any aurora but i don't know if they take time to spawn. Also no clouds and no city lights from either EVE or AVP. EDIT 3? - Some reason with this installed it doesn't like loading the clouds textures that come with EVE, everytime i delete one it gets to the next one and sticks on loading. EDIT 4 nm, if i leave it long enough it'll get past them, but there's still no clouds.
  18. I found this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104280-0-90-Outer-Planets-Mod-%281-4%29-Unique-biomes-and-300-science-blurbs-17-Jan-15?p=1676288#post1676288 But it just crashes still when i load my save. Was this the file you were talking about?
  19. Yeah I can see somebody thanking you and Akinesis, but can't find a link in any of your or Akinesis' posts.
  20. Are people still using the .25 astronomer pack, and what files do i need to make it compatible with these new planets? I'm mainly after the auroras.
  21. One of the version before the map, when I had to use a phone app to find out the right velocity for an orbit at whatever altitude I was at.
  22. Are Sarnus rings collidable? My probe gets there soon and i don't want to smash it into them.
  23. I've got nice balanced sky crane to go over my unbalanced rover, but i can't get it perfectly over the CoM so it flips over :/
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