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Everything posted by RedderThanMisty

  1. I know it would be a much smaller team than IG, but is anybody even left at that studio? I know that after 1.12, most of the devs at Squad went to help out with KSP2's development, but did they move to intercept on a permanent basis, or do they still retain their positions at the old, Mexico city studio?
  2. Will we also be seeing a return of the Tiered KSC upgrades (eventually) like in KSP1? One reason why I never really played the science mode, and instead just went to career, is because it just felt wierd launching basic, jerry-rigged rockets on pads that look like they were built for interplanetary missions. And now, with ksp2's new artstyle going with essentially riveted tin cans for early-game parts, the disparity between a proffessional launch complex, and early bargain-binned rockets feels even greater. Lastly, if Tiered KSC buildings are to make a return, then #Bringbackthebarn
  3. I've found this happening too. A good workaround for now is to use trim controls to balance out the roll. You can do this by pressing alt+[opposite direction of roll], and for the rest of the flight, it will permanently apply a tiny offset to counteract your initial roll. Because the trim is miniscule in its increments, you'll have to tap it a few times to get it just right. Mr Manley detailing this feature https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx1GWTdng1DzGhyxhV_LWQKztd1Q3U9rH9
  4. Looking forward to the dev diary on orbital decay (if dev diaries about bugs are continuing of course)
  5. The EVA parachute model already exists in the game's files, so most likely. It's also featured in the launch trailer too. The question in that case is when?
  6. Found this in the patch notes: My guess is that they're still optimising cloud rendering for when the camera is above the cloud layer. Until then, improved performance on the ground, and pre-patch performance (plus pqs improvements) during high altitude flight. For me, yes. You can zoom out in KSC to get an orbital camera view of the complex, and the framerate drops quite a bit if the camera goes into or above the clouds. I'm on a Gtx 1080 and Ryzen 5 3600
  7. While the game already includes randomly generated hairstyles, skin colours, glasses, and eyeball sizes, expanding this system to allow for comprehensive customization beyond just suit colours would greatly enhance our connection to the little green kerbanauts and their missions. Drawing inspiration from the discontinued kerbalizer game, we would be able to create or modify unique Kerbals with distinct facial features, hairstyles, and outfits & accessories that they would wear when idle (in the astronaut complex, colony habs, or floating around on a space-station).
  8. In KSP1, and earlier builds of KSP2, a good rule of thumb for me is that even for interplanetary returns, a periapsis of 35km, over double your altitude, is enough to slow down quickly without either burning up or skipping off the atmosphere. Getting to space from 15km in an unpowered vehicle should be impossible, unless you have alot of momentum already pointing in that direction instead of towards the ground.
  9. A video of the phenomena was posted in another bug report here. It's pretty much exactly what I experienced, but to a lesser extreme (he didn't get suborbital again).
  10. I encountered the bug on all three of the flights I've attempted in this update. Each were new vehicles made in a new campaign after installing I hope this makes it to a hotfix instead of the new extended update cycle, bc it looks to be a pretty game-breaking regression.
  11. Having the exact same issue here. I was flying in a standard mk1 command pod with a parachute and heatshield, Launch seemed alright, but re-entry, coming in at about 2km/s was very janky. Pod always wanted to lean heavily towards one side, even with SAS. Then it started changing trajectory as if it was a high performance glider, adjusting course at 20g towards the opposite direction of wherever the nose was pointed. Then I pointed the nose down, and it flung me up on a sub orbital trajectory 90km in altitude all the way up from 1km, and on the way back down, it briefly slowed down in the upper atmosphere (according to the speedometer atleast), before accelerating to about 1km/s as I hit the ground.
  12. Performance seems much improved, on Medium settings with a GTX 1080, I was getting about 50fps on launchpad and 144 in space & vab. I did notice the framerate dropped by quite a bit when looking at the clouds from above however. For example, in the KSC menu, scrolling out to get an orbital camera view, framerate was about 50fps, but when I raised the camera above the cloud layer, it dropped to 30-40fps. Similar situation during launch where the framerate would dip for a moment between getting through the cloud layer and LOD replacing the volumetrics with 2d textures. Having the same issue here. Was flying in a standard mk1 command pod with a parachute and heatshield, Launch seemed alright, but re-entry, coming in at about 500m/s was very janky. For starters, the pod always wanted to lean heavily towards one side, even with SAS. Then it started changing trajectory as if it was a high performance glider, adjusting course at 20g towards the opposite direction of wherever the nose was pointed. Then I pointed the nose down, and it flung me up on a sub orbital trajectory 90km in altitude, and on the way back down, it briefly slowed down in the upper atmosphere, before accellerating to about 1km/s as I hit the ground. Though, we dont know how many updates until, my estimate would be for the update after
  13. Same here, often I'm left guessing whether I'm approaching a clockwise orbit or not, I didn't even notice that the ripples were in different directions too.
  14. Implement a new driving control mode that switches WASD from Pitch/Yaw to WheelDrive/Yaw. Currently, reaction wheels on small rovers will still try to pitch when driving forward, causing the craft to flip over. (And leaving unicycles virtually useless) The secondary control system I'm proposing would have the reaction control system disabled or put on standard stability assist and refuse input from W&S keys, while still allowing for A&D to turn. This control system could also automatically revert to the primary control system if the rover is detected to have left the ground, re-enabling pitch controls.
  15. Loving the new UI features with Patch 1, though would it be possible to add a range of colourblind variants in the accessability menu? I ask this because I've noticed some points in the UI where identifying colours can help reduce the amount of faffing about, yet it is harder to do so for people like myself. For an example, In the manouver node editor, the Pro/Retrograde and Radial In/Out nodes look virtually identical at first glance, and has led to me on occasion making some really botched trajectory plans. https://imgur.com/a/QOMaQM0
  16. A Viper MK2 modified to fly in Kerbin's Atmosphere Press 1: Toggle Boost Press 2: Toggle Main Thrusters Press 3: Deploy landing chutes Install instructions: Extract to 'C:\Users\[user]\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\[Campaign Name]\Workspaces' Image Preview: https://imgur.com/a/PXhuOE Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f8vb6laot159are/ViperMKII.rar/file
  17. Not sure if bug or not, but kerbals don't ragdoll when I fly them around the mun and hit the surface at 50m/s. They just stop, and carry on with their day completely unfazed.
  18. KSP Version - Operating System and version Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant - GTX 1080, Ryzen 5 3600 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior - On the mun, when travelling via jetpack, kerbals should keep their momentum when exiting rcs mode. Observed Behavior - When exiting jetpack mode, kerbals will stop in mid'air' and drop to the ground. Steps to Replicate - Land on mun, get kerbal out, plant flag, start flying long distance with jetpack, exit jetpack mode by hitting r.
  19. Creating this topic so people as an alternative to people creating endless threads about small and specific changes we'd like to see. I'll start off by adding a few requests of my own: * Option to snap Manouver node to AP/PE & AN/DN. * Pause the game and lock control's when the esc menu is open. * In the VAB, make the trash area slightly bigger or more obvious * Add back the action menu's as the default for right clicking parts. You should keep the parts manager available as another option though, as I see it being useful for builds with lots of obstructed parts. * Change location directory slashes in the top left from '\' to '/', similar to how websites work, or literally any other filesystem than windows. * Move the Δv symbol closer to the value readout, or vice versa. * Add sliding movement to VAB, like ksp 1's SPH. I don't always want to be orbiting a particular part. * Smoother transition between zoom increments with mouse wheels * Load workspace menu loads behind an open parts manager window, should take priority instead * Have a separate button to launch via pad & runway, or make the fact i'm launching a plane from a pad more obvious before I click the big green button to roll out of the vab * Right clicking away from the parts manager should close it, or make the close button more obvious * Default Ares 2 plane looks... 'off' with it's front wheel unable to be raised. * Default Ares 2 plane's intake gets destroyed too easily due to being too low to the ground and bouncing during rough landings / steep take off's * In the parts manager, Highlight other parts that were linked to the selected part via symmetry. For example, if i want to open a set of solar panels, I want to know which panels will actually be effected by my action * Add a road going from the ksc down to the docks, and perhaps a small building / hut or two. They look like they were added in last minute as they are right now. * Perhaps another bridge or two over the moats * Caps lock seems to only move the controls by a negligable amount, I prefer the ksp 1 system where it primarily smoothens out inputs. * When reverting to the vab, the default launch location should remain the same as it was previously. * Aircraft autopilot to hold a specific heading, attitude, & altitude, handy when at 4x speeds to prevent planes from nosediving constantly * notification of quicksaves, the small sound isn't enough to prevent my urge to spam f5 to be sure * In map view, a marker to show estimated landing area (compensated for planetary spin and/or atmospheric drag) would be useful * Ability to create navball markers in map view with custom waypoints * Where's my stunt parachutes gone? * Infinite fuel should still work even if the fuel tank is empty Some positive notes: * Freaking awesome details with the terrain & geology, there's no chance in hell of getting that in ksp 1 with mods. * Scatters are well executed in my opinion, While Parallax 2.0 does get very creative with their implementation, these definitely feel more grounded in reality, while providing better amounts of detail with a good variety in scattering densities. * Loving the responsive physics that kerbals experience inside cockpits. If I land a bit too hard on the runway, I can actually see them being properly shaken around through the glass, it's amazingly fun to watch.(Sorry Tim) * Overall attention to detail has been spectacular in many places * Flying by a few mountains at near-sunset and watching clouds cast realistic shadows across the ocean is a beautiful sight to see. * I could listen to this soundtrack all week and not get bored Overall, I am absolutely blown away by this game and its potential, and after some further exploring, I can almost definitely see why the game has taken so long to develop. This is some groundbreaking stuff you have going on, it's just very unfortunate that most people will overlook all of this due to the state of the launch, though I hope that will subside once things are ironed out.
  20. Good luck, I was only able to get an average of 7fps during gameplay with proton, and that was 720p Minimum. It was only ever playable in the tracking centre or map view, anything else slowed to a crawl. Here are my specs: CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: GTX 1080 RAM: 32GB 3200mhz OS: Ubuntu 22.04 I'm currently downloading a copy of Winblows to a spare ssd of mine, hopefully that should help my system run ksp2 until actual optimisation comes our way.
  21. AMD Ryzen 5 3600 32GB DDR4 3200mhz NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ubuntu 22.04 Kernel 5.19.0-32-generic All minimum settings at 900p Doesn't launch out of the box Running the KSP2_x64.exe executable with wine works, however significant graphical issues are present with the UI and framerates are locked to around 2-4fps with the exception of tracking station where I got 25 fps. Running Either the executable or steam launch with ProtonGE-49 works, however framerates are locked to 1-2fps with the exception of tracking station and main menu where I got 30-45 fps Any tips would help, Thanks. Edit 1: The following launch option got my framerate up to about 7fps in the KSC and 16fps in the VAB PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% Edit 2: Using the same launch options with Proton Experimental saw no change in performance
  22. 2 frames per second... in the KSC menu. Using a GTX 1080 and Ryzen 5 3600. On minimum settings at 720p What is going on here? The only area that I can get acceptable performance is in the tracking station and main menu. And when I tab out, it straight up crashes every time.
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