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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. I mean, it's free- how do they not want this? Red tape makes me mad. We need a deregulation of the space industry, just like we do with nuclear reactors. There's so much lost potential.
  2. Good to know! I'll give it a shot. After some experimentation, I think I found that the specific problem was only with the launchpad. Whenever you launch, it makes huge clouds. Otherwise, it's mostly OK.
  3. I wonder if it would be less expensive to launch a new telescope.
  4. Here's the sketch I made when I was designing Salyut-1 for Wrong Red Moon: I have quite a few of these for various spacecraft in my desk.
  5. That's the most beautiful plane I've ever seen in my life. It sounds amazing, too.
  6. I'm talking about these dust plumes. (They get bigger than that sometimes.) AFAIK all rocket/jet engines make them but if it helps that plane is using Panthers.
  7. The Hadley Corporation also offers a slimmer variant of the HX-TSV-01: Built using standard Mk 2 fuselage pieces, the HX-TSV-01A has a lighter airframe and better performance. Now capable of supercruising at Mach 1.1 and reaching speeds of up to Mach 3 on afterburner, it makes for an unmatched interceptor. Thanks to the lower weight, VTOL can now be performed without afterburner as well. [REMINDER: TOP SECRET: YOU WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY AND ALL SECURITY BREACHES. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS INTENDED FOR TOP-TIER PERSONNEL ONLY.] This advertisement material is owned by the Hadley Corporation. Per the terms set in the Hadley-DoD Agreement, you are required to destroy this material after use. Thank you and have a nice day.
  8. Ever wanted a VTOL fighter aircraft, but tired of the issues with robotics parts or extra engines? Try making a tail-sitter! The HX-TSV-01 [WARNING: TOP SECRET: YOU WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY AND ALL SECURITY BREACHES] is just that: an incredibly simple plane, highly maneuverable and fast. It's the literal embodiment of the KISS design philosophy. It effortlessly transitions between horizontal and vertical flight, and its small footprint makes it ideal for cramped carriers. (Me struggling to land ) Pre-order your squadron today, for only 30,000 per unit! [REMINDER: TOP SECRET: YOU WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY AND ALL SECURITY BREACHES. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS INTENDED FOR TOP-TIER PERSONNEL ONLY.] This advertisement material is owned by the Hadley Corporation. Per the terms set in the Hadley-DoD Agreement, you are required to destroy this material after use. Thank you and have a nice day.
  9. "We forgot to upgrade our phone plan, so we used up all our data for the month. Hopefully, the ISS will be ok on its own for a while."
  10. Floor 4921: 21 Kerbals on the space station waiting for the new crew.
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