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Everything posted by tremonthedgehog

  1. To my knowledge, you are supposed to use one of the tiny antennas and use the dish to help minimize size and adjust performance easily
  2. I'm just curious, but what benefit does extraplanetary launchpads add? what is the experience like without it?
  3. I found this Github tool that should allow users to view craft, however when I download the zip file windows refuses to let me open it saying the zip file isn't valid. does anyone know what the root cause may be
  4. Great! Dumb question #2: is it intended to reach these systems via normal methods or do you have wormwholes a-la Intersteller
  5. dumb question: can this be used to create star systems that generate outside of kerbin while keeping the stock system intact?
  6. What are the best visual mods to pair with the new Parallax 2.0 mod
  7. got it, sorry that you are joining the fourm at such a rough time but i hope that you will stay
  8. I was more asking that if put in stock aero, would it be better or worse, no need to test, but based off of your experience also, how are rockets in general affected?
  9. Nice story But the real reason this thread exists is for people to post any success they’ve had with steam refunds as well as anything they’ve heard about other people as refunding this game
  10. So in the case of this craft would there be better or worse performance? https://kerbalx.com/CrazedPilot/Duna-Lander-Thingamajig-Mk1 Also just curious on how rockets are affected
  11. Has anyone had any success with getting a refund from steam for ksp 2?
  12. Thinking of get installing FAR and I wanted to ask before I install. What is it like flying before and after installing FAR? Easyier? Harder? Or just different Just want to get an opinion from those who use it
  13. As long as it falls under this definition, it should be fine My first shuttle had two orange tanks on each side It just ended up being that the orange tank with SRBs worked for me because of the vectors gimbal
  14. sts 1 photo dump had a little bit of left over fuel so i used it for sustainer thrust
  15. The Epsilon-Class shuttle is a long range heavy shuttle designed to accomplish the next generation of interplanetary science and exploration Design The Epsilon-Class is a cross a shuttle and a rocket plane, utilizing 6 vector engines and built-in fuel to power them it is more flexible and independent the previous designs. This flexibility can be seen in its elongated cargo bay, rear engine mount, and spacious crew quarters. Initial testing(Test pilot 1)One of the biggest challenges with the testing process for the Epsilon-Class is getting it into the air under conventional power. Once it reached 5000m above sea level the carrier aircraft made the turn back to the KSC and shortly after, released the test aircraft, the Stork, and began it’s holding pattern. Due to it weight, Epsilon-Class has a very steep angle of approach and lands at a high speed to prevent a fatal gear collapse and to allow speed for altitude gain and subsequent bail-out(once the devs add personal parachutes)
  16. Fair, but I am an optimist we will see what comes of this
  17. While I do agree that we could see ksp2 get 1.0’d or outright cancelled we have no official confirmation of any dissolving of the dev team or the canceling of the game. All we know is that intercept layed off a few developers. we play ksp, surely we know how to have an appropriate reaction when a problem occurs Keep this post-mortem discussion in check
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