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Everything posted by Ember12

  1. If it's a tailwheel arrangement, yes. But with a tricycle setup (like on airliners), leveling the wheels works best in my experience.
  2. I don't think they'd line it up with that. It was sort of sad, the last time people would walk on the moon for 50+ years, and I think most people (including myself, before I saw that message) don't even know when Apollo 17 was.
  3. Maybe thin lines that come out of CoM/CoT/CoL indicators in all 6 directions, to help line things up.
  4. I love the idea of an MMO, but it would require the game producers to set up a server powerful enough to run 20,000 KSP2's at once.
  5. Given the level of detail we've seen in the KSP2 graphics- especially planets- I'd expect they'd cost rather more than 3$. Maybe closer to 6 to 10 per system.
  6. I agree, if this feature is included, it would be best if it struck the balance of "you can play fine without it, but it can do some cool stuff".
  7. Walkers might be more of a sandbox thing though, because no matter what they will be less efficient than wheeled vehicles, and probably slower.
  8. According to most sources, the Kerbol system will probably not include any new bodies, just texture revamps for the ones that exist. Of course there will be lots more planets around other stars.
  9. On the topic of centers of mass, thrust, and lift- right now they appear only as spheres, but it might be really helpful to have thin lines emerging from all 6 axes. This would be really useful for lining up CoM with CoT for unbalanced payloads.
  10. They're not going to change Laythe, after it's been the same for so long. Whether or not tidal heating would be enough, there will still be liquid water and air.
  11. I think this sort of thing could be accomplished by having very small, maybe 1k power or so, commnet relay antennae.
  12. I agree, I think it would be awesome to have your view of, say, the Mun get better every time you go there.
  13. Since someone has already said something after this, I can't really use the acronym, now can I?
  14. I think this might be the wrong forum for this sort of thing? At any rate, it's only available with the Breaking Ground expansion. Do you have that?
  15. Yeah, for Gilly I was more thinking about walking around on your ship or colony.
  16. It's been released that starships will be bigger than the VAB, and so will have to be assembled in space. So getting one under an airplane might be tough.
  17. Right now, nobody really understands what causes gravity, so creating it from nothing inside ships would probably be up there with warp drives as something that is far enough in the future that it won't be in KSP2. If you want artificial gravity, the only way to do it will probably be with a rotating centrifuge ship.
  18. Magnetic boots could be super useful anyways, for places with really low gravity like Gilly, or for walking around the outside of your spaceship.
  19. Maybe a tread with mini-harpoons or something for Gilly...
  20. It might be nice to have some sort of tread part, like on excavators and such. I'm thinking of these as a lower RPM but much higher friction alternative to wheels for anywhere with steep slopes and/or high gravity.
  21. I would agree, it seems to me Kerbol will probably be surrounded by stars. Of course some will be closer than others, but the decision will probably be similar to the KSP decision to send probes to Eve or Duna first, just with more options.
  22. I don't think that there need to be designated weapon parts. Wubslin was right about my probe core/SRB idea being woefully inadequate, but all you really need is a special probe core with the sort of adaptive targeting shown in Wubslin's video. The rest can be left to people's creativity.
  23. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "sky box", I assume you mean stellar surroundings. If that's the case, it's definitely good to have it be detailed, but it would be hard to make it realistic because you'll be surrounded by all the made-up stars that you can visit. It might be better for them to make up the "sky box" rather than use our real one.
  24. I don't feel that rovers on Minmus are a completely lost cause. I sent one a while ago to gather science from multiple biomes, and it could get to 30 m/s on the flats. On bumpy terrain, you're going to lift off the ground, but if you have good reaction wheels you can just wait till you land again.
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