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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. Still indev. Using mm to clone parts. Maybe prerelease soon. Outdated pic here
  2. Kim Kerman was drivin' when he saw a mushroom cloud in the distance. He was hungry, so he drove right into it, killing him. Maxio Kerman - The mun
  3. Tony Stark Kerman was seeing his new factory when a crate of palladium crushed him. Weno Kerman - Water
  4. Hello and welcome to the factory! I'm Meloony Kerman, aka @Watermel00n and I will be showcasing these designs! You can download the designs at the KerbalX and check out the advertisements on Youtube! Anyhow, expect some stuff to go on down there! Feel free to ask for requests. TODAY'S FEATURED DEATHTRAP: N/A Feel free to watch the Youtube Ads! Latest product: LTJ-11"Why pay for more?" LT-KD1 Kraken's Wingman DOWNLOAD AD Description: No delta-v?! No worries! Just befriend the Kraken! All you need is one o' these. Now you can fly anywhere like a flying saucer. Capable of doing infinte grand tour without refueling! (if you don't crash that is)
  5. Lemoooooo... Kerman remembered when looking at coldj's pfp. The realization hit him so hard, he was hit out of kerbin SOI in 1 millisecond. He was instantly turned into fragments. Qas Kerman - Hiding submarines in the sky
  6. Orbital Deterrent: Launch a BD armoury nuke into orbit in an orbit so that it can hit any location.
  7. i'm trying to get the realistic fuels to work. It'll take a while.
  8. Nertea Kerman was in his antimatter making space station in low kerbol orbit. But then the average BD armoury enjoyers' robots infiltrated his station. Everyone thought it was just fireworks. kerman10 kerman - mun rovers
  9. Carlito Kerman said the famous line while doing a tylo descent. He forgot to stage the vectors, causing him to crash. H.G Kerman - Being loyal to his clan.
  10. Martin Kerman was fishin' when an osprey (bird) hit into him. He fell off the jetty and into the river. He froze due to its low temperatures. JJ Kerman - Kokomelon
  11. IT'S ABOUT TIME! I've been playing KSP for almost 3 years! 3 YEARS AND I HAVEN'T GONE TO ALL THE PLANETS YET! So, I will stop all my other projects to do a grand tour. This is a bad choice. Anyway, the first log will come through soon.
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