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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Theorem: Nazalassa lives in Antarctica. Proof: Nazalassa uses Linux => Nazalassa is a penguin (like Tux) => Nazalassa lives in Antarctica. QED.
  2. N -66 Good night @ColdJ -- upd. -- Went a bit forwards on the thread to see where the new rules come: it's near page 320. -- upd. 2 -- Modified the program so that you can choose what part of the NW you want to render. -- upd. 3 -- You can now define a max width, to avoid extra-long graphs. -- upd. 4 --
  3. N -62 I think it would be better to do graphs showing only posts between two points, and not the whole thing. matplotlib.pyplot seems to break after 4,096 in the x axis.
  4. N -60 I don't see any significant reset on the graph, but there are a lot of invalid posts. I think the accounts of @cooki and @tundra were merged.
  5. Currently doing the graphs for pages 161-170, brings me nostalgia... The map and everything... N -58 Oh wait, at page 170 there has been 3 positive victories and 5 negative victories.
  6. I have a huge database of names, mostly generated using a python script on my calculator when I was bored in class. The program itself generates a random string of letters. If I see one that looks good, I modify it a bit to make it even better, and then I have a name. Here's a part of the database:
  7. I think it is possible, with careful design and MOAR BOOSTERS!!!!
  8. I don't think they satisfy the "2017 tech" requirement.
  9. I think it means you need to upgrade your R&D facility (right-click on it), or maybe you have between 500 and 549, which in this case is not enough to unlock nodes that come atter those that cost 300 (they cost 550).
  10. N -48 Hi @Admiral Fluffy I suggest you go see near page 148... That's weird. P.S 4,000 posts plotted. I think I'll stop here for today.
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