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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. (Made in half a hour with GIMP and a mouse)
  2. That's not four wings, that's two wings and two canards.
  3. I suggest you rename it "What did you do in real life today?" Today I suggested this :D
  4. RIP AN-225 Don't we already have a thread to ping random users?
  5. Pluto because it's cold and it's the only "planet" in the system that shows it has a heart. (Even if it's cold-hearted :P)
  6. Warning: heavy code...
  7. Just a question: How did you manage to get 162+ m/s with wheels that can only go up to 57 m/s?
  8. Just a normal day in KSP
  9. 9 >>> randint(1,20) 11 22
  10. 1 New rule: if you want to prevent the number from reaching 100, you can.
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