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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. That's the point: if they've moved to working on KSP2, no one will work on KSP1 and it will suffer what is commonly called 'software rot' - that is, KSP1 will rely on libraries that will get older and older as time passes (on the (very) long term - thx), eventually getting deprecated and unavailable (the libraries, not KSP1), and no one will update KSP1 to use new versions of these libraries. Chances are high that in some time KSP1 won't be able to run at all, except on VMs. Unless someone can update it - ...
  2. @UltraJohn can confirm it works. Thanks! I have experimented a little with using images that are not the right size (as mentionned a few pages, and months, ago) and it appears sliced images do not like that. Other images look fine, though.
  3. Some textures (esp. from mods) have names with slashes, e.g. 'RP-1/Resources/rep_background' (see ztheme thread), and since HR only get the internal name from the file name, it can't (yet) replace textures which have internal names with slashes in them. Example (from the ztheme thread): I think the names should be matched against highlogic.currentscene() or whatever it's called. Link: <link> Tooltips Part selector window PAW
  4. A screenshot of the new, WIP MacTheme: I couldn't make it lighter, as text quickly got unreadable.
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