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Everything posted by joratto

  1. I wanna see Duna’s tilt line up with its massive icecaps too, but Duna is also tidally locked with Ike, and I don’t know if such an aggressive axial tilt would be stable under tidal locking. Maybe just tilt the entire Duna-Ike system?
  2. I've never heard of gamma rays being involved in spallation, but I don't see why it couldn't happen . 5 minutes later, and TIL about photofission.
  3. If your ship is carrying a massive amount of unshielded radioactive fuel, then it shouldn’t even be possible to turn the radiation off! So it may end up being a case of just approaching and docking these kinds of ships “tip to tip” over vast distances to keep the business ends of your reactors pointed away from each other at all times.
  4. I won’t be surprised if multiplayer is delayed to a post-release update
  5. I hope they at least include the current ksp1 textures as an option. New poodles > old poodle. Change my mind.
  6. I think at one point Nate said the three pillars of this game were interstellar, colony building, and multiplayer. We’ve heard a decent-ish amount about interstellar, very little about colony building, and basically nothing about multiplayer.
  7. I’m certainly hopeful but this isn’t a very good argument. People said “CDPR made Witcher 3! How could they go wrong?!”. Star theory doesn’t even have an analogous track record we can look at.
  8. Sure, it's not a delay if you change the definition of the word "delay". Why would any observer, casual or otherwise, change the definition of "delay"? The devs weren't specific, but they claimed it would come out in 2022, and it won't. Going by the orthodox definition, it's ok to say that it was (rather unsurprisingly) delayed.
  9. This isn't even splitting hairs; it's just not true. We were told it would release in late 2022, which is contained within FY 2023. Changing from 2022 (within FY23) to 2023 (within FY23) is still a delay.
  10. Cyberpunk was ultimately delayed for longer than KSP2 and it still cyberpunked it. More time does not necessarily yield proportionally better results. Especially not if increasingly-serious deadlines lead to bad working conditions, or if the eventual product fails to live up to an impossibly over-hyped standard. For the game's own sake, I would prefer if the game wasn't delayed any longer.
  11. And this is why instead of just “leaving it to the mods” for every new suggested feature, it is often a good idea to leave game design to the professional game designers.
  12. I’d love to be able to mine regolith and use it to fill “omnidirectional” shielding bags on my surface bases. You could do it with unmanned drones ahead of the arrival of your fragile Kerbal residents. As for shadow shields, I could see it working with several standard sizes like the heat shields we already have, though procedural would be ideal! Procedural trusses would be even better. No matter how you introduce it, I 100% do not want the shields to be built in to the reactors/engines. Having custom shields and their resultant shadows could introduce a really fun constraint vaguely analogous to the problem of fitting parts inside a fairing. That said, I’ll add that I think I remember Nate Simpson saying there would be no relativistic interstellar particles or other obstacles you’d need to shield from precisely because they wanted to avoid forcing players to make completely shielded “pill ships”. Good point! I expect different parts of the ship to have different shielding demands, so you could potentially fine-tune your protection with smaller shields rather than just one big saucer. I wonder if there would be benefits to stacking multiple shields in a Whipple arrangement with space in-between.
  13. In addition to the risk to kerbal DNA, radiation can also damage delicate electronics including radiators. Even solid metal hulls can fracture over time because of neutron embrittlement! As @Pthigrivi said, radiation damage to unshielded ship parts could manifest as reduced efficiency, and embrittlement could simply make your ship more vulnerable to heat/collisions.
  14. I saw!! Very exciting and I hope they'll model more than just e.g. the distance from the center of radiation and the effect that has on kerbals alone.
  15. Given that we'll have procedural radiators and dangerous nuclear radiation in this game, I'd really like to see a system that gives players a reason for angling their radiators and other ship parts (especially crew quarters!) to keep them in the shadow of radiation from certain fission/fusion engines, besides just making them look cool. Irl, neutron embrittlement is a massive risk to delicate radiators and solar panels, and that's why we see those angled radiators so often in hard science fiction. I've included a link to a picture from Atomic Rockets that illustrates what I mean http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/images/radiation/tankShadow02.jpg and the Atomic Rockets article it comes from http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/radiation.php#:~:text=In some propulsion systems%2C such,and which fuel is used. I'm thinking that a similar-looking sort of toggleable radiation shadow overlay in the VAB would be a really intuitive way to teach about radiation damage. Would anyone else like to see a similar mechanic in the game, or would it seem too restrictive? Could it even be practically implemented?
  16. That’s awesome! Glad to see someone else using radial xenon tanks
  17. After procrastinating editing for a full week, I present my submission to the contest. Hope you like it! PS: Should I post my craft file too?
  18. Does anywhere inside the canyon count, or is there a more specific location?
  19. Could someone please clarify what is meant by “direct throw”?
  20. Depending on how KSP2 arranges its resources in the Kerbolar system, the Mun may contain many more metals for spaceship building than Minmus. In that case, it might make more sense to put your spaceship-building colony on the Mun (and maybe just use Minmus for fuel?)
  21. Such shipments would not need to come once every fifty years. Instead, stagger them out so they arrive once a year, every year, carrying important colonisation technology until the colony is self-sufficient. And some Kerbals may still want to come home. After all, they never grow old, right?
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