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Poppa Wheelie

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Everything posted by Poppa Wheelie

  1. Thanks. I'll update the OP with something on this.
  2. I recently asked the forum moderators if there was a tutorial on how to edit a forum signature. In the most polite way possible (truly) they asked me to figure it out and write the tutorial myself. So let’s do this: below is my take on how to do various things associated with editing a forum signature. Please comment below if you have a better way of doing something, or if you want this tutorial to address something not currently addressed. I will update this original post as needed to keep it current with the latest and greatest. Note: The examples used here appear correctly at 150% zoom. If your browser is zoomed in more than this, you may get unexpected results. Some Questions and Answers Q: How Do I Even Get To My Signature To Edit It? Short Answer: Drop Down in Upper Right > Account Settings > Signature Longer Answer (with screenshots): Q: Are the Capabilities of the Signature Editor the Same As Those of the Editor For Forum Posts? Short Answer: Yes Longer Answer: Q: Does the editor size my images appropriately for the signature line? Short Answer: No! You must size all of your images before you use them. Q: Can Zooming the Browser Affect My Signature? Answer: Yes! After you've built your signature, zoom your browser and make sure it behaves as you want. Edit more, if needed. In My Signature, I Want To … Have Only Text Like This: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My favorite quote of all time!" -- That famous guy "My second favorite quote of all time!" -- Some other guy Aliquid facetum latine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's How: Have Only a Few Images Like This: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's How: Make a One-Row Table With Invisible Borders Wait, what? I know, you're probably thinking, "Hey! We don't need no stinkin' one-row tables!" But trust me, you will need this to provide some of the capabilities listed below. So, later on, when I say something like, "you'll need a one-row table to do this", you'll know to come back here. Here's How: Have a Mix of Images and Text Like This: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My SSTOs | My KerbalX | My Current Jool 5 Mission -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or Like This: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutorials Calculating Fuel Reading the dV Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's How: Have Text That Is Associated With Only One of Several Images Like this: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got It: Gilly, Duna, Ike, Minmus, Mun, Kerebin Need It: Everything else -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's How: Imbed a Link In Some of the Text, or In an Image Why? So that the reader can follow the link and see some details on whatever you are displaying in your signature. Here's How: Imbed a Link That Leads To a List of More Than One Other Links Why? Perhaps you have earned a particular badge more than once, and you want the reader to click the badge and arrive at a page where you provide links to each of the times you earned the badge Perhaps you have a lot more that you want to put in your signature line than will easily fit. Perhaps you want to send the reader to a whole page of information and links Here's How: @adsii1970explains the process in this post, much better than I could. Thanks, @adsii1970! Edit the HTML of my Signature Short Answer: It looks like you have some editing capability, but it's complicated and difficult Longer Answer: Some Other Questions, Still Unanswered Is It Possible To Create More Than One Single Status Update? What Are the Limits On How Tall and How Wide the Signature Can Be? What Else? Please post below if you have any feedback on the following, and I'll update this post: Is there a better way of doing some of the things listed here? Do you have a solution for anything listed in the “Other Questions, Still Unanswered” section? Is there something you want to do with your signature, but you don’t see it listed here? Do you have any suggestions for improving the readability of this post? I'm using dark mode. Does anything need to be adjusted to work better for light mode? Is anything else needed to help readers find what they are looking for?
  3. @adsii1970, in the following post, you talked about creating a single status update page. I followed your steps yesterday, and somehow I created ONE status update page. Is it possible to create a second and a third one? I can't figure out how to create any more status update pages than the one that I now have.
  4. HJsIdjt.png

    The Elcano Challenge is about ground (or sea) circumnavigation of each of the celestial bodies in the game.  Click on the badge above to read about the challenge itself.

    I have done 6 Elcano circumnavigations in KSP1:  Gilly, Duna, Ike, Minmus, Mun, and Kerbin (by sea).  To read more about how I did these, you can follow the links below:





    Minmus and Mun:


    Kerbin (by sea):



  5. Better late than never! I finished this challenge at the Val level.
  6. Do Jool 5 missions done in KSP2 count? If so, I think I have a Jeb's Level mission here. Maybe a different leader board for KSP2, if you want?
  7. I finished my Jool 5 mission, mentioned above on 17 August, and posted the Mission Report today.
  8. Following is a Mission Report for my 18th launch in my KSP2 For Science! playthrough. I already had For Science! missions for Tylo, Laythe, and Bop. The game also thought I had already achieved the "Plant a flag on Pol" mission, but I didn't want to claim credit until I had actually done it. So I needed 4 of the 5 moons anyway, might as well make a Jool 5 out of it! I had not done a Jool 5 before, so this was a first for me. Some highlights: 70,476 science points Splashed and used a water probe on both Laythe and Vall - so both a splashdown and a landing on each of those moons My first Jool 5, my first landing on any of the Jool moons, and my first return from Jool -- I had sent a one-way probe to Jool earlier in the playthrough I used the same lander for Tylo, Vall, Pol, and Bop - although it had several "drop" components for its first use, on Tylo I started the design, build, and test for this mission on 20 Apr 24, made the actual mission launch on 8 Jul 24, and completed the mission on 23 Aug 24 Vehicle Names. I attempted to rename the vehicles within the game after each docking and undocking. I might have missed a few. Here are the vehicles, by name, that I'm referring to in the narrative, and that you should see in the screenshots: J5: This is the entire vehicle during launch, and all the way until establishing initial orbit at Tylo. After this, J5 is that part which carries the various landers on the various sorties. With the exception of 1 kerbal in a lander, the other 4 kerbals are always aboard the J5. Tylo Station: This is the "remains" of the Kerbin to Jool transfer section. Before completion of the Tylo Sortie, Tylo Station is put into a Very High Tylo Orbit (approx 10Mm). Each sortie returns to Tylo Station to refuel and reconfigure for the following sortie. Moonwalker: This is the wheeled lander used on Tylo, Vall, Pol, and Bop. Moonwalker contains several "drop" components initially, that are used only for Tylo and then are discarded. Albatross: This is the SSTO aircraft used for landing on Laythe and return to orbit. Part 1: Launch to LKO Part 2: LKO to Jool System, Tylo Orbit Part 3: Tylo Sortie Part 4: Laythe Sortie Part 5: Vall Sortie Part 6: Pol and Bop Sortie Part 7: Return to Kerbin At launch for this mission, I had 938 science points. Therefore, this mission provided 25,000 science points from For Science! missions, 22,271 from Samples, and 23,205 from Data - for a total of 70,476 science points from this mission. What's next? I'm definitely planning to finish my For Science! playthrough. I have missions to Eeloo and Dres, perhaps I'll do both in the same mission. Then I have the grand finale of Eve and Gilly.
  9. Yes, there are many challenges to be found on the forums. And yes, you will need to post something to convince the author of a particular challenge that you have completed it. Follow some of the links in my signature to see some examples.
  10. Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to build and edit Signatures for this forum? If not, could someone provide one? Perhaps you could ask someone with a fairly sophisticated Signature to built the tutorial. Should I start a thread somewhere else to ask someone to develop and post this tutorial? If so, where should I post it? With its own thread, others could chime in with their own questions, and with methods used to achieve other results. I've figured out how to do some of this stuff, but I've seen some signatures doing some things I wouldn't know how to do. Here are some of the capabilities I would like to see in this tutorial: Add an image to the Signature Add more than one image, left to right, to appear in the order desired Insert an image between others Rearrange the order of images Put text to appear underneath (or above) only one specific image Include a hyperlink with a specific image Include a hyperlink with some of the included text Insert html or other coding to format exactly how I want
  11. Most of those badges come from challenges. Go find the challenges you are interested in, and see what is required to complete the challenge and receive the badge.
  12. In the upper right, drop down your name, then select Account Settings > Signature.
  13. After a little research, I see that the term "type wheel printer" was used: https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/Type-Wheel_Printer_(Daisy-Wheel) I was looking for "This is a Daisy Wheel from a Daisy Wheel printer": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_wheel_printing I think the "win" goes to @RKunze
  14. "Type wheel printer" is not the name I'm looking for. I'm not sure this type of printer was called that, at least not in the US. Perhaps it was elsewhere? This is the "print head" or "type wheel" for a printer, but I'm looking for the name of this specific type of printer. Hint: this is the "__________ wheel" from a "__________ wheel printer". Fill in the blank, but not with the word "type".
  15. It is an older print head. Printers that used this type of printer head had a specific name, just as modern printers are called "laser printers" . Do you know the name?
  16. No. I don't know what answer you're looking for with "what kind". It's old, it's a manual planer. Not a woodworker myself.
  17. I transferred from Tylo to Vall spending only 0.39m/s dV using RCS. I'm still doing my For Science! playthrough in KSP2. It's actually going pretty well, if slowly. I am encountering annoying bugs periodically, but nothing Kerbin-shattering, and most of which get resolved with a save reload or a game restart. I'm currently in the middle of my Jool 5 mission. I've placed a refueling station in very high Tylo orbit, which I return to after each sortie to the individual moons. I've done Tylo and Laythe landings already. Now it's time for Vall. This is what I'm sending to Vall. It includes a water probe (port side), a fuel tank counterweight containing fuel for the probe (starboard), and a kerballed rover lander. Two kerbals in the lab, and two more in the command pods (for 5 total). I'll do a full mission report when I complete the entire Jool 5 and recover at Kerbin. Meanwhile, here's how I transferred from Tylo to Vall using only 0.39m/s of RCS dV:
  18. I posted a tutorial on how to read the dV Map. It includes a section on mission planning using the dV Map. The examples used here are done in KSP1, but the whole thing applies equally well to KSP1 and KSP2. Enjoy.
  19. This tutorial is in 3 parts: How to Read the dV Map Mission Planning with the dV Map Does the KSP2 Mission Planning tool work? (short answer, "no") Part 1: How to Read the dV Map Part 2: Mission Planning With the dV Map Part 3: Does the KSP2 Mission Planning tool work? Short answer, "no"
  20. You can have as many instances as you want. And you don't need to be changing names back and forth in order to run the instance you want. I recommend you use CKAN to manage your instances and mod installations. Or, you can also have Steam recognize more than one instance. See this short discussion for how to have Steam do it:
  21. CKAN will track your hours separately for each of your KSP instances. Is this what you are after? So you can keep your own total time played stats? I don't think there's any method of "registering" your various instance locations with Steam. Steam is aware of only one instance. So I don't see a way for Steam to provide you this capability.
  22. I think I understand your scenario. If so, this should help. If not, please provide a screenshot and I'll try again: Put a control point on top of the Mk2 Lander Can (such as a probe core or docking port) On the launch pad, control from your new control point Notice which direction the new control point thinks it is facing, compared to the direction the lander can is facing when you control from there Spin the new control point around in the VAB, if needed, so that it is facing in the desired direction compared to the lander can During your landing, control from the new control point instead of from the lander can
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