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Poppa Wheelie

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Everything posted by Poppa Wheelie

  1. Very nice! Two questions: How did you raise and lower the seat? How did you get the landing guidance? Does each of these requires an additional mod?
  2. 20230626: My Octo-Girder Octagonal Docking Connector docking ports will not dock. I see a very similar report from 2019, linked below. Is this the same issue? Is there a workaround? 20230627: I have partially solved this, using initial orientations of Prograde / Retrograde or Radial In / Radial Out, but it still doesn't work for initial orientation of Normal / Anti-Normal. See "Another Update" below for details, screenshots, and new logs. Two screenshots from me. "screws facing out" on both the upper and lower connectors, which I'm pretty sure is correct. 2019 report, which looks very much the same issue as this. I tried going very slowly 0.1m/s approach speed, with docking attraction force set to 5%, as suggested in this post. I also tried approaching with the orange orientation arrow of the docking alignment indicator pointing each of the 4 directions (12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock). No luck. Update: I tried a much smaller test rig. I still can't get it to work in space, but got it to work on the runway. Logs: KSP: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFKYUecyZLrqTZxQ?e=AJ9oeL Player: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFPCx2tUbKyn1GXP?e=m09QO1 Another update (20230627): I got the test rig above to work, as follows: SAS to Prograde SAS to Stability Assist Undock Use RCS to back one pod away from the other Use RCS to approach Keep approach speed to 0.4ms This worked for initial orientations of Prograde/Retrograde and Radial In/Radial Out. I tried again with Normal/Anti-Normal, using the same approach as described, but still no luck. Approaches faster than 0.4ms may work for the successful orientations, but I didn't try any other speeds. Screenshots using the Radial In / Radial Out initial orientation: Today's Logs: KSP: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFb7tVhblAAYWhXS?e=WeTK3P Player: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFUGDlQKgV1_m8yL?e=PpNJhZ
  3. Adding the -popupwindow option does work, and is the solution to your problem. The Borderless game option is what has not worked properly.
  4. Saving and reloading is what breaks it. The labels are good before a save, but after a save and reload the labels are gone. Thanks for looking into this, and I completely understand that real life is the priority. No emergency here.
  5. I could, and would be happy to, but I've never opened the cfg file before, even just to look around. I don't know what I'm looking for, or what changes I would need to make. Any guidance or suggestions on how to go about this? With the Reviva mod uninstalled, shouldn't I be able to load up the "correct" mods so that the DE+MAS IVA is the one loaded up?
  6. I'm having an issue where Action Group labels do not get retained after a game save and reload. Further down in that chain, @JonnyOThan suggested the problem might be with the way Reviva recreates the rpm computer. I removed the Reviva mod and retested, with good results - the Action Group labels are retained after a game save and reload. Can this be fixed?
  7. The DE+MAS IVA gives me these two different MFDs. This is what I want. How do I get this without Reviva?
  8. This does NOT occur when Reviva is not installed. I removed Reviva in CKAN, built a new test rig and launched it, saw the Action Group button labels, made a save, loaded that save, and still see the labels. I'm willing to proceed without Reviva. In what I'm building right now I want the DE+MAS IVA, but in this case with no Reviva, I think I was given the DE version by default. How do I get the DE+MAS by default? OR, should I wait on a Reviva fix? Thanks for your help!
  9. I use, and recommend, CKAN. Very easy to use. CKAN does all the heavy lifting as far as keeping track of what dependencies are needed, and in loading up the proper folders. As the user, I don't have to deal with any of that. CKAN also keeps track of my various instances, including a mix of KSP1 and KSP2. For example, I have 2 KSP1 and 2 KSP2 instances right now. Using CKAN, I just pick the one I want and CKAN loads the correct game (with the mods specific to that instance). I don't know anything about Curseforge.
  10. @JonnyOThan, @Stone Blue, Could you please look at this? I don't know how to determine if this is a part or prop issue, or an issue with the IVA, or even something else. I didn't know which mod topic stream to drop this in. I would appreciate your guidance on how to proceed. Thank you!
  11. I'm setting up a save to play some IVA-only. When I define custom Action Group labels, they appear correctly at first (after launch), but they disappear after loading a save. Can someone identify a fix or workaround for this? If not, can someone identify which mod is causing this issue? Screenshots and logs:
  12. Thank you for this mod! I'm seeing a discrepancy between TWR calculated in the VAB, and TWR on the surface of Eve. In the VAB my vehicle shows TWR of 1.44 for Eve, but on the surface of Eve I see a TWR of 0.80. I think the 0.80 is more accurate, because this thing will not lift off. I landed this on Eve. TWR for liftoff stage shows 1.44 This is what I actually attempt to liftoff from Eve. TWR still shows 1.44 On the surface of Eve, however, TWR now shows 0.80
  13. Here's how I do it. (Windows) With KSP not loaded at all, or, if loaded, no further than the main menu: Make a copy of the entire game instance (I have several game instances active at once, managed by CKAN) For example, I might copy from: KSP Instances > KSP1 Career Game And paste to: KSP Backup Saves Rename the copied save folder. For example, rename KSP Backup Saves > KSP1 Career Game To: KSP Backup Saves > KSP1 Career Game 20230502 Go to the location of your game saves Using the example above, my game saves would be at KSP Instances > KSP1 Career Game > saves > My Career Game Delete all saves you wish to delete, which involves deleting two files for each save: A LOADMETA File An SFS File If you start the game after this (or progress the game beyond the main menu), you'll see that the saves you deleted are gone.
  14. I really like this for planetary transfer planning: https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ It was built for KSP1, but also works for KSP2. However, keep in mind that this tool assumes the first year is Year 1, while KSP2 assumes the first year is Year 0.
  15. The showers in the Ramstein AB gym (1996 - 1999) had only one control: a push button. Pushing the button gave you about 30 seconds of shower (preset temperature and pressure). After 30 seconds the shower flow stopped. Take however long you want to lather up. Press the button again for another 30 seconds at a time to rinse off.
  16. Nope, sorry. It doesn't work fine. In the "solution" I showed above, it worked because the decoupler and fairing blew up and were destroyed when they hit the runway behind the vehicle. If I look at the Tracking Station after they've blown up, I see 3 objects: Test Rig-1, Default Name-2 (the second ship), and Default Name-3 (the decoupler facing Test Rig-1. In orbit, the fairing and decoupler continued flying behind the second ship (Default Name-2). Since they never blew up, I don't get a Default Name-3 for the first decoupler which is sitting there. I also have no control over the second ship. So, back to square one. I don't know how to work around this.
  17. I want a different type of multi-player experience than has been discussed so far. I want to be able to put 2 people into 2 different seats in the same command pod in IVA. We'll cooperate that way. With VR would be even better.
  18. This same scenario has been reported for returning to Kerbin from Duna. I don't know if there are other planets with the same issue.
  19. @FreeSpaceIndustry, would you please configure this mod for CKAN, which now supports KSP2? Thank you!
  20. @bbepis, would you please configure this mod for CKAN, which now supports KSP2? Thank you!
  21. @Halban, would you please configure this mod for CKAN, which now supports KSP2? Thank you!
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