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Everything posted by Akagi

  1. It took me a year but I found out how: You just need 3 things: -aerodynamic center of lift over center of mass -powerful engines -lotsa fuel
  2. orbiter but nothing abnormal occurs during conventional gameplay
  3. Floor 3336: The ground floor again. You think to yourself that this building may be in a loop.
  4. Here's some inspiration (and a point for me to get back into KSP):
  5. hello @Nazalassa i do love being gone for a month
  6. Me, until I know that KSP2 will support all the mods I rely on: PRE, MM, BDAc, EVE
  7. Nope @Abel Military Services GET IN THE OSPREY AND BAG SHY GUY
  8. BDAc. Under Countermeasures, there's a smokescreen generator. Alternately. you could use the GAU-8 Avenger, that makes a little smoke, but the smokescreen makes more smoke.
  9. Part 1 of incessant testing of every single aspect of recreating the film 096 in KSP: smokescreen generator car
  10. I take the hill by force with tanks. My hill.
  11. A little late @Abel Military Services you are ordered to recontain 096 now, without scramblers, because all 9 Tau-1 were terminated by 096.
  12. Very excited about the new rover cockpits.
  13. I believe this would work if you only needed a small hole, too? There are going to be a lot of holes in the film.
  14. Recreating 096 (short film) in KSP Currently working on building the main two sets of the first five minutes: the interrogation cell and 096's Stage II containment. Does anyone know how to make it look like the stage I containment (basically a big block of wings) can explode open without killing the Kerbal playing 096?
  15. Beat you to it. @Abel Military Services i have risen
  16. I'm busy playing War Thunder in KSP! TUBM has never heard of Fox codes
  17. Jool aerobrake gone wrong TUBM has accidentally set a vehicle to the wrong team while playing with BDA
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