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Everything posted by Akagi

  1. I built a twinjet made for IVA flight!
  2. Yeah, I know. Just my only Eve mission so it's my only Eve example.
  3. The mission was a 2 part mission: science base plus rovers
  4. Floor 3061: An Interplanetary Ice Cream, Inc ice cream parlor
  5. Most of that time was the rover driving
  6. As for mods: there should be a separate category for modded entries. Also, it took 154 years because the lander had to get there, the rover had to drive halfway across Eve to get there, then they had to wait for a transfer window, launch, and return.
  7. https://github.com/AkagiAerospace/InterplanetaryIceCream/tree/main/InterplanetaryIceCream/Parts
  8. You should allow mods. Otherwise, everything gets way too long. One Eve mission I did took 154 years from launch to recovery. Why don't you want us to use mods? I was planning on showing off the Interplanetary Ice Cream mod, but the new no-mods rule makes me want to do some other challenge. I'm a modder and I'm not sure if I could make a rocket without using modded parts (stasis pods, ice cream engines, etc.)
  9. Welp time to get to work How does this first contract sound to you? Sadly, I can only make this mod for the stock tech tree as I don't have Tundra Exploration
  10. What do you mean, that's literally the defenition of whaling 1. boat goes to sea 2. boat finds whale 3. boat catches whale @SkyFall2489
  11. E @ColdJit's fishing but L A R G E
  12. What's wrong with whaling? @ColdJ
  13. https://kerbalx.com/boborene/Jumping-Flea Seriously? It's just the stock KSP jumping flea.
  14. Calling 110 (our emergency number across the Pacific) to find out what calling 118 does (it notifies the JCG that someone's drowning)
  15. I HAVE RESPONDED @ColdJ arise from the depths
  16. Photo edit of @Nazalassa's monorail
  17. Someda (noun) Someone who shows up for a formal business meeting dressed in a bathrobe
  18. Wow, you're way ahead of me... I only just finished my H-IIB replica which has enough power to go to Jool because of realistic rocket engineing. Here's you putting balloons on Venus. Cool.
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