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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. YEAR 1, DAY 318: MINMIN 3 With our samples collected, it's now time to return them! Minmus ascension Returning to Kerbin Getting a little hot... And a successful parachute deployment! The spacecraft descends with many experiments, cloud samples, and chunks pick up from the surface that are hopefully delicious ice cream. Your sacrifice meant a lot to science.
  2. In 1980, all of Philadelphia’s 4 main sports teams went to their respective playoffs. Only one won, though. That’s how we roll, I guess. I thought this one was fairly on topic, considering the Eagles just won.
  3. Sputnik 1 literally means satellite 1. One of the things China's first satellite, Dong Fang Hong 1, was supposed to do was blast the song "The East is Red".
  4. No, seriously, look! I tried looking up my forum name, just to see what would come up, and Google thought I meant this dinosaur. My true form. There really isn;t much to write home about this thing.It's just a hadrosaur from Russia. Actually, it's pretty hard to find fossils in Russia, so that's something that does make it interesting.
  5. Welcome to KSP and the forum that can be associated with it!
  6. MINMIN 3: YEAR 1, DAY 308 Landing stage on Minmus As our understanding of spacecraft expands, so do our ambitions. The goal of Minmin 3 will be too preform science experiments, as well as return samples from Minmus, such as dust, ice, and the strange "clouds" and "snow" that appear on the surface. The vessel was rush built, as various scientists across Kerbin have been growing impatient. "Who cares about all of this space station and microgravity anyways?" said Oblong Kerman, a well known geologist across Kerbin. "The scientific community needs souveni- I mean, samples from Minmus". Per the usual, it'll be launched atop a Kitten II Rocket. However, the payload's a tiny bit heavier than an orbiter or simple lander. Given the fact it's a two stage lander, it's quite heavy. So two boosters will be added to the side of the rocket. Liftoff! As they do, the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) run out of fuel. And as rocket science works, we have to ditch them so they don't weigh us down. But, the engineers made one fatal mistake: they forgot sepratrons. A little oopsie proceeded to happen. Yes, that is in fact a missing fin . Do to the loss of the fin, the control is down a little bit during the flight. However, the atmosphere thins out a little bit more, and the launch proceeds as normal. That fin protected the first stage from total destruction though, so it's sacrifice was not in vain. TMI burn (phase 1) TMI burn (phase 2) Minmus orbital insertion burn Going in for a landing Touchdown! Les goooooo! A successful Minmus landing! All of it's experiments are deployed, and the probe sits on Minmus for about 3 days, collecting scientific data and ice clouds.
  7. Well technically not KSP, I've been drawing up stuff for a series idea I had for science and spaceflight, called 东方空间 (Dōngfāng Kōngjiān), or Eastern Space (literally translated it means Oriental Space). It explores an alternate history where the space race was between Japan and China. I have the timeline written down, all I have to do is draw it. And I'm not great at using Krita. I'm much better at pencil and pen than drawing tablet. But, this may act as a learning experience. For now, here's a Chinese space station. 明星之家 (Míngxīng Zhī Jiā, Star Home)
  8. The Monke Space Program has achieved another great achievement: the first Kerbals on the Mun!
  9. Hey there! Welcome to the forum!
  10. Sorry to yell at you . The model of the telescope is, uhh… *frantically looks around telescope* Celestron Travel Telescope model #21035. The Moon’s image was actually very good, just a camera as light sensitive as an iPhone’s couldn’t get same good picture through a telescope lens as the human eye. Oh yeah, the eyepieces are interchangeable. In order to get a really up close picture of the Moon, I used a 10mm magnification eyepiece.
  11. I don’t know! I’m a high schooler, not a professional astronomer!
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