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Some Kerbal out there

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  • About me
    Rocket Engineer
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    Trying to send green things into space

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  1. No need for that. I realised i can change the keybindings and the problem happened because the abort action group was set as the same key as the key to exit the cameras.
  2. There is a slight problem with backspace to exit the cameras. When i wad in a rocket i was viewing through a camera and when i pressed backspace um... the abort action group was activated... and yea...
  3. So, I have been having the same issue, but you don't need to wory actually. You see there is no problem with the KSP itself but it is probably the computer is not that good. So if you could send me the specs of your PC it would be amazing.
  4. No need for anything, problem resolved itself. I believe it was actually a issue with my PC because I had the same issue with all my other games. Then i left my PC overnight and it resolved itself. But anyways thanks for trying to help!
  5. So recently i had a problem while launching KSP. I launched the launcher and the launcher just turned black and unity crash handler came in action. When i try and launch the game without the launcher it just loads a few files and stops but i can still move the cursor. Then unity crash handler would just shut it down. I wondered if anyone has any tips or help for me.
  6. Please bring mods back

    1. Ilya_G


      He is unlikely to return them. Look for those who downloaded them

    2. verniervonkerman


      idk why he deleted them

    3. Ilya_G
  7. I am wondering can i run Parallax 2.0 on this specs: i3-3110M 2.4GHz RAM 4GB GeForce GT 620M
  8. So basically i wanted to download SM Marine mod, but it seems all the links are gone. So i was wondering if anyone has got the files for SM Marine.
  9. That is true, but all the features like reverting, timewarping i don't know if Squad is going to be able to make it and KSP without reverting would be very very hard and a multiplayer itself is a very good idea
  10. I don't know how the multiplayer is going to look like but i don't know if multiplayer is a good idea at all.
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