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Everything posted by slyfox023

  1. hey Jade, I have a question for you, would you be willing to adopt Coyote Space Industries at all? or at least making something similar to it?
  2. alright mate, take your time and enjoy yourself, personal health is more important than anything
  3. do you know where I could find this? I have system heat installed but I've never seen that before
  4. I have a good idea for parts that could be added to the mod, I think a good idea would be to add "radiation shields" of course they wouldn't function like an actual shield, they could be used as another radiator panel, but the aesthetic would go good with the interstellar engines you already have in the mod, it can also be a good way to make the Daedalus ships
  5. do you think it would be possible to have the engines be LQD hydrogen compatible?
  6. do you think it would be possible to add battery banks to the launchpads, while they are useful, if they don't have any power then we can't really use them to their full potential
  7. I have a question, how does the solar tower work? I understand it needs the gulf streams, but other than that I have no idea how it generates power
  8. I'm a bit confused on the engine stats, for most of them they say "NAN" is that because they aren't finished yet?
  9. sorry I should have made myself clearer, I didn't mean the Lander lab module, but the "Renovated Lab Module" the new update came with, I have no idea on how to actually post pictures on here, but I think you know what it is
  10. my main focus has been on the new parts, I've kind of figured out what to do with what's already on the wiki, but the things like the "lab cockpit" for the Saturn parts I have no idea how to use or fully build
  11. must be on my end then, but I don't know what could be doing it honestly, it didn't do it on the land rover
  12. there's a bug with the Munar flying vehicle, every time you leave the seat it launches you 16ms into the sky, is there anyway to fix that ?
  13. alright so I have another question, it's been on my mind for a bit lol, on the shelter/lab module for the landers, there's a "crane hook" that can be used, but what are they used for exactly?
  14. quick question about these things, how is someone suppose to deploy them exactly? from what I can guess these things will be WAY to heavy to carry on a kerbals, and they don't come in a packaged box, and while on that topic, I was wondering if you could make the other deployable objects a little more lighter, I run with KAS and KIS but even with 8 kerbals I couldn't carry the solar tower, is that possible at all? if not it's fine
  15. how do you get around on starting the story mode? I've fully installed the mod, but there's really isn't a direction I should go from what I see in game, I can see the system from the KSC, but other than that I don't really know how to start it
  16. also I wanted to ask, since you are re-working on the mod, will you be adding wings that would match the Avatar shuttle? considering you already have the haul and engines, I think it would be reasonable to have those things to fit the vector thrust engines right?
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