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Everything posted by slyfox023

  1. so there's a problem with the Avatar cargo ramp, every time I spawn it on the runway or pad, it throws the entire craft with insane speeds and breaks it, is there anyway to fix that?
  2. well considering they have a moon base, wouldn't that mean they would have a refueling set up already on the base? like they had landing pads and everything, yet forgot to make the fuel? and considering how the early stages of that base was made to get water and make fuel from liquid hydrogen, I'm pretty sure it would be realistic
  3. I got a questions for the Devs, since you guys are about Alternate history, would it ever be a possibility that you guys would make "For All Mankind" parts at all?
  4. got a question for the day, will you ever be working on the interior parts of the mod? while these models you've made are amazing, the fact that they have nothing inside them kind of breaks the immersion when using them
  5. that's fair, well would it be possible to give a guide on how to set it up in game then?
  6. from what I can understand from the page, everything is there, but how to build it is not, for a example, I don't know how to fully build the Cassini probe, or the voyager 2 probe, in a basic sense like that, of course there are some guides for some of the probes, but unless you know how to build every probe the mod offers or know about how the probes were made it's not easy to understand it
  7. I got a small question, will you and your team be able to make a comprehensive wiki on your crafts? I understand there's a unofficial wiki, but it sadly doesn't cover all of the craft build guides
  8. just come back to ask, have you found a way for the arm to work without it freaking out?
  9. well damn, I at least hope it comes out well, take as much time as you need mate, no rush, honestly I can't wait to use it when you eventually release it
  10. how do I control this like you do in the video? because from what I can find there's no guide on how to use your mod, it's a really amazing mod btw, just wanna know how to use it properly, also there's a problem where it doesn't work with the HT Robotics for some reason
  11. just wanted to ask, what's with the Ballute and the KS-ML Milling Lathe parts? they currently have no textures on them so they're 1 solid color, that also goes for the inline SAS modules as well, just wanted to ask because I haven't seen an update to the mod in quite awhile
  12. I've wanted to ask, will you be moving this mod to KSP 2 once mod supports gets added?
  13. the booster's engines are giving no lift and the stack falls through the engine, but the game still thinks it's connected to it
  14. when will this be fixed? because I can't use this mod if the booster doesn't lift anything, it's also confusing me considering previous installations had it working, but with the new updates it no longer works
  15. for some reason the engines aren't giving any lift, do you know why?
  16. I was wondering what the Future of KSP2 will bring for us, we all know about the road map but what about individual things? for the second game, I was hoping that we would most likely get Starship like parts since SpaceX is planning a launch soon this coming month, if you guys were to ever implement those into KSP2 I think that would be really cool
  17. I wanted to make note that the Atmospheric scoops aren't working, I've looked that the fourms and it says to use an Atmospheric intake but not the stock one, I've used all but stock and there's no atmo scoop in your mod, how do I properly use it? also everytime I load the scoop in, it says it's "offline" and "closed"
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