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    Spaceflight, Art, Military Tech, War Games and BDArmoury

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  1. Make it as powerful as possible pls. I need my robot army!
  2. Lol. Needing to matchmake to get into a game really killed multiplayer games for me
  3. One thing I really hope is that in multiplayer you can create markets where you can buy other people’s rocket designs using resources. With everyone being in there own multiverse timelines there’s gotta be a way for people to interact you what I mean?
  4. Only using drogue chutes is lame tbh. I just want early landings to be more intense y’know?
  5. Considering Duna is a Mars analogue, I feel that the atmosphere is too thick. In the game you can get most craft down with a few parachutes and a couple of engine bursts. There was even a time that a rover I built landed safely with one inline parachute and no engines. Meanwhile irl, landing on Mars is a hassle. Parachutes can only really slow you down to 100m/s (200mph) and the rest of the descent needs to be powered. There’s gameplay reasons to make Duna’s atmo thinner as well. It could be kinda like a stepping stone. The first legitimately dangerous landing that the player makes in campaign mode.
  6. Ksp has always had this problem where there was no real reason to use generators, as the engines on your ship have could always just power everything. It’d be nice to actually have to attach generators to your ship to keep the power up. If they do decide to implement this a good quality of life feature would be to have a bar indicating how much power your ship needs vs the amount being produced, kinda like command and conquer.
  7. It’d be nice to be able to add waypoints on planets to mark places of interest or landing spots. You could add waypoints from the map view or from satellites.
  8. That’s probably more on the publisher side of things. Doubt they can control that.
  9. I think it’d be cooler if you were to discover it by yourself. It’d add to the colony building and exploration stuff.
  10. This post was originally made asking for more options regarding the revert feature, but most if not all of the features that I requested are already in game.
  11. You can make biplanes tho? Just offset the wing and add struts to keep it in place.
  12. I’ve noticed the dev team tends to forget put a lot of specific stuff into the game. Not being able to deploy airbrakes in VAB, inability to revert and this seem like quick fixes yet they’re not implemented.
  13. The game has actually been running pretty smoothly for a while now (at least for me).
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