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  1. Please help! I cant get any parts to shine. I have TUFX and TU installed. Here's my log file and settings. ksp.log
  2. Hey I'm back. Thank you so much for your previous advise. The BDB fatal errors went away, however I'm still receiving a loading error. If you're able to help that would greatly appreciated, if not I understand and please direct me to a forum that can because I've never seen this error before and don't know how to classify it. Thanks! ksp.log Loading Error
  3. Hi. I'm receiving a "Loading Failed due to an unhandled error" from b9partswitch. I figured out that the fatal errors are due to the BDB mod but the loading failed error is brand new. Also, why am I getting fatal errors ksp.log.
  4. Hey I'm back. Thank you so much for your previous advise. The BDB fatal errors went away, however I'm still receiving a loading error. If you're able to help that would greatly appreciated, if not I understand and please direct me to a forum that can because I've never seen this error before and don't know how to classify it. Thanks! ksp.log Loading Error
  5. Hey Im back. Thank you so much for the feedback and suggestions. I followed what you said and have made some progress but i still receive the fatal error. ksp.log
  6. hi im having an error on startup and dont know where its coming from. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. ksp.log
  7. Hi. I'm having performance issues with this mod. I have 4 other IVA mods that work and perform fine but for some reason as soon as I switch to the DE IVA mod I get EXTREMELY poor fps performance. Its so bad I'm receiving like 1 frame every 30 seconds. What can I do to fix this? ksp.log
  8. Hi. I'm having performance issues with this mod. I have 4 other IVA mods that work and perform fine but for some reason as soon as I switch to the DE IVA mod I get EXTREMELY poor fps performance. Its so bad I'm receiving like 1 frame every 30 seconds. What can I do to fix this? ksp.log
  9. At 0:26s in the video, the SRB plumes consists of flames, red puffy-cloudlike plumes, and white sparks/specks. Is there a way to change the speed of which these features can be expelled out of the SRB? Or can you point me to the line of code that dictates the current speed? Because at a certain point the speed of the SRB plume is slower than the speed of the actual rocket.
  10. Please help! I have a HEAVILY modded KSP and my R&D building is automatically upgraded whenever I start a New career mode. Note my save has been working without fail until I installed Probes Before Crew. I've since deleted the mod. Here is my log file as well as a picture. Thanks. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z2e2jcr0isk6wqaqpu0gp/h?dl=0&rlkey=56wyemt0xw3ngnf7blq1eoha4
  11. Here is my ModuleManager.ConfigCache. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d4u44y3ko688f3w/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0
  12. I want to use this mod in career mode but the R&D facility is fully upgraded. Is there a way to disable the full upgrade of the R&D building to where it can be upgraded as usual?
  13. Please help! I keep getting b9partswitch serious warning and I don't know why? I'm aware it's not necessarily a problem but if it could be fixed that would be greatly appreciated! Here is my ksp log as well as a picture of the problem. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zda3och22fhxcf09j1syc/h?dl=0&rlkey=5vll2dnaeud6kxzf3gbzrp0lj
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