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Everything posted by Smallant55

  1. I just have a collection of random flags over the years. If you’d like them I can probably assemble them into a Google drive link and send them over to you. I also use this mod to shape conform the decals to my crafts like stickers: As for the Buran, it’s from these two mods: it’s located in the “extras” folder here. and also this mod:
  2. Its a part from this mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/3245/HLS project There's a small little part in that mod that you place inside your rocket for the Aero effect. Enjoy
  3. Tantares 2024 A collection of pictures I've taken over that last year from a mod I love. Happy 10 years Tantares
  4. Many MANY attempts. But also I reduced my translation velocity to 0, and was coming straight down the whole decent. I basically lowered the cable at around 20-30m so that I wouldn’t have too much time for things to start to go wrong. I also noticed that it was easier to stop sway by instead of hovering the skycrane at 0 velocity, it was better to be slightly decending at 2-3m/s downward. So I would lower the cable to the length shown in the video, then I would stop the winch. Once at the proper length, I would descend till the rover touched the surface, and would then cut the cable. Hope that kinda makes sense.
  5. It’s from a part from this mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/3245/HLS project
  6. N1 mission to the moon. Loving the new part textures, they look awesome
  7. Atlas V w/h Boring Starliner featuring RCS and Abort motor effects by @UCTech
  8. We're still working on it. I will admit progress stalled a little bit over the summer, but we're back to working on it. Honestly not a whole lot left to do for this, and we'll try and get it out there in a beta state soon
  9. So awesome! Just got re-inspired in Ksp all over again with this epic mod. Thanks @ballisticfox0 for keeping KSRSS alive and well!
  10. This is actually very helpful! Thank you! We'll definitely use this
  11. @UCTechand I have been experimenting on a loophole in SRBWaterfall Effects. If you delete Realplume - Stock, it gets rid of the realplume effects. However, I have noticed that I get some really bad artifacts/visual bugs when doing this This effect goes away at higher altitudes however, which appears to be where everyone is taking their screenshots anyways After a high enough altitude, the weird effects go away, and you can take better SRB screenshots This is a weird workaround, and will only yield good visual effects if your sole purpose is to take screenshots. Let me know if anyone else has a better fix rn
  12. Hey @Norange any updates here? This mod looks super promising! Would love to see it in-game Maybe even have Tiangong station parts added! Just checking in though
  13. Why do my plumes look like this, when I see other people posting pics when their plumes look like this Seems like realplume is the culprit here. I dont want the realplume effects. The weird thing is, Ive spoken to multiple people, and theyve said that they have realplumes installed, but they dont get this effect on their SRB's. Ive been reading this forum post from top to bottom, but havent seen a fix to my issue
  14. Starliner on Kistler Worked surprisingly well, and I definitely think I'm going to use this as a solid crew delivery system in the future!
  15. Updated the textures to include a “worn” TPS variant. We have also done some work to include a drogue/main parachute bay, and have started work on control surfaces. An early concept IVA is also in the works.
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