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Everything posted by NexustheNinja19

  1. Idk what to do. Btw this is a 1.12.3 install. https://imgur.com/a/BWjBqlW
  2. So im playing a pretty basic modded install of 1.12.3 with CTT USI and Station parts expansion redux. To expand one of my grav rings i need material kits. Just wondering how i could make em or ship em off to that space station in Munar orbit. Though if it needs a colony to be made could someone link a good tutorial? fyi i have more mods than those 3. here is a list of most of my part mods All of the Near Future Suite Far Future Technologies Stock alike Station Parts expansion Redux HabTech 2 BDB Modular Kolonization System OPT spaceplane continued Tundra Exploration Airplane Plus Mk2 Stockaike Expansion Mk3 Stockalike Expansion Feline Utility Rovers
  3. Im just kinda curious on how to get the warp drive from martincitopants "Kerbal Scuffed Program 3" would be very helpful if there was a download for 1.12.3
  4. Well if I only wanted to use my satelite array, without help from my friend since we would be competing. They would have to turn off their array so I dont end up "cheating" by using their equipment. Like I said, Only works if there are seperate tech trees.
  5. Also in that same Vein, the ability for players to have a split tech tree.
  6. So me and one of my friends were thinking about what to do w/ the ksp 2 multiplayer, and him and I were thinking about competitions. Thats when i had the idea. There should be the ability for coms slatelites to only work with certain frequencies. I.e. allowing for me and my friend to compete without needing to turn our satelites off everytime the other needs to send science.
  7. Im kinda confused and new to modding and after searching yt and some other things i havent found a straight-forward answer as to some mods that are a part of Community Tech Tree.
  8. I recently had to dock together 4 parts of a space station to duna so i could make a base/colony and I can say it can be annoying. It wasnt even good so I just ended up making a monolithic space station and docking only the landers. Main issue I have is just how finichy the ports can be.
  9. Pretty Dumb idea I had but i'd like to through out the idea of a line obove the nav ball showing your orbit incomparison to the thing your orbiting. Just stops you from having to switch to the map screen.
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