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Jacob Kerman

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Everything posted by Jacob Kerman

  2. I know this thread is old, but believe me, If we play video games, we end up discovering old systems. Me and all my freinds have the OG xbox, nintdendo, sega, and im working on getting Contra for the NES
  3. If you go up, and land on another planet, did you still come back down? An ion each.
  4. This Is SPACE! Seriously, though, this sounds amazing, and for someone who plays on console, I hope the add it to stock or DLC.
  5. Hey RSpace, It's nice to see someone start playing the way I did! I hope you have fun on the forums, and wish your missions luck! May you always land on the bright side of the Mun!
  6. This guy gets it! Ksp2 is delayed just like everything else right now. In case you have been living under a rock for the last 2 years (and I'm willing to wager you have), there has been a pandemic. And a war. And these people have their own lives. We know it's a great quality game, and they are still making it better. Instant gratification isn't normal, especially with something like this. So, either shut up and go harass another game, or suck it up, and deal with another year. If you are willing to make this big of a stink about a release date, you obviously aren't doing anything anyways! Also, what are you doing on here at 6 in the morning?
  7. This game is under a lot of work, if you think you can do better quicker, then by all means go ahead! Until then, keep it to yourself!
  8. To have the list released as the parts are made or planed, instead of waiting for the unofficial wiki catching up after the end of February HA!
  9. Tell your mission stories and tales from beyond here!
  10. Something that I would like is a release of part sizes and shapes, as well as mass, on a wiki or just a list on here. I am the kind of person who likes to plan ahead, and I think it would be very useful. Anyone else agree?
  11. Thank you the help and good wishes! Have a wonderful day!
  12. Top of the spaceship to you, dear sirs!
  13. To always learn and improve, and not to be scared to experiment. I started KSP by just putting stuff together, and I've learned so much, I have books and books I've filled with blueprints and planet locations and diameter and gravity, and soon, I will be going to college to be an astrophysicist. This game has a lot of power to demonstrate the wonders of the unknown, and whether you want to or not, you will learn.
  14. I was wondering, related to KSP2, that if we would have a part list posted online for public review, to plan ahead and just see what there will be?
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