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Jacob Kerman

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Everything posted by Jacob Kerman

  1. Oh, 100% is not. It's thrust almost doubles when you breach the atmosphere in KSP1, very useful for stations. I would assume the stats are the same for KSP2
  2. Pop it and Lock it! NO Jeb, The AIRLOCK!
  3. Nah, a comet is better, every hundred years or so should be fine.
  4. So some people don't like this, but try sandbox. Play around with that for a few, and you will start to understand. Thats what I did when I started playing, because the Tutorials were confusing.
  5. But I'm inclined to say that nuke will always be better. Spaceships that use chemical propellants benefit from tremendous thrust to get the job done. However, they also need to carry fuel and oxidizer to power that incredible upward or forward movement. On top of that, transferring cryogenic propellants—”gases chilled to subfreezing temperatures and condensed to form highly combustible liquids”—in zero gravity represents a nontrivial challenge. But using engines like that are inefficient in space, you are burning through too much to be practical for large distances. For the Mun, or Duna, or Minmus, or even Eve, it can be useful, but if you are going to another system, forget it. Nuclear is much more efficient. In a nuclear thermal propulsion system, the reactor operates more as a heat exchanger in which a fuel such as liquid hydrogen is first heated to very high temperatures—up to 4,600 degrees Fahrenheit—that is then exhausted through a rocket nozzle to produce thrust. The thrust and use of fuel at this rate is not only efficient, lighter, and lasts longer, but is much more controllable as well. In distances and speeds like that, overreaction can be your worst enemy. Your only issue would be heat, and you can manage that, as we don't have radiation yet
  6. c -16 is there a way to just go into the files and retrieve it to at least confirm its real?
  7. c-12 so im reading through your 10,000 petameter duna sstv signal post, and to save me from 10 pages of piracy, do you ever find it?
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