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Jacob Kerman

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Everything posted by Jacob Kerman

  1. Hehe.... You're in danger. What made you be a mod? Played KSP, or actually worked for the people who made it?
  2. I have been seeing all these different blueprint-style drawings and plans for KSP, and I was wondering what you guys were using? Software, or just drawing it out? Websites? ETC.
  3. c 7 @NazalassaCongrats on being in TOTM. I was catching up on everything when I saw.
  4. Medium, because not a chance I could do a grand tour.
  5. Welcome to the forums, @TheBlackJackal! Also, hows KSP2? I dont have a computer to run it on, so no playing for me.
  6. Not here! @LeroyJenkins, how's life treating you?
  7. Banned for not liking them liking in a month.
  8. I'm a big fan of KSP. I was waiting and waiting and then finally KSP 2 comes out. I'm not buying it with these useless minimum requirements. I have a Dell g15 AMD Ryzen 7 6800H, 32gb ram ddr5, But only a RTX3050ti 4gb. Most games run between high and extreme. I can play star citizen everything on low doable in cities but on the low sides. Then in space and everything else is running pretty awesome. You guys did get so far and now you can suck my RTX. I'm very disappointed. I read this twice and still didn't understand. So here, I fixed it.
  9. Yeah, after I made this, I had the wonderful Idea to see if there are other posts about it, and now i feel like an idiot.
  10. Banned because YOU don't sparkle! Yeah! How you like them apples!
  11. Well thanks, I can put 2 and 2 together and get 5...wait, no 4. But I meant, are they working to fix that.
  12. I'm glad it's going to be added, but it still looks...low poly. Kinda. I don't know, it just doesn't look right. Like, you can see the inside of cargo bays, and structural parts when re-entry speeds are reached. It looks all blocky and rough, and it looks overall...not bad, but...odd. Like X-Ray vision. Will this be a problem in KSP2?
  13. Nope. But @Nazalassa on the other hand...
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