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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. I was taking an exam, and had a 82 percent battery, but it went down to 60 percent! anybody know why? I have a new (about 3 months of use) iPhone 14 (the regular one, not the pro or pro max models.)
  2. If you want to build lego stuff on your computer, just use Mecabricks. Pretty solid thing, I've built multiple miniature spaceships on it.
  3. I think that if we found it, it would be at the bottom of the ocean, but not in the area they think it is, due to the currents. Hopefully, it wasn't someone onboard and I think it was probably a mechanical failure, which made the communications crap out multiple times. What doesn't make sense is 9M-MRO turning, which could only be caused by people in the cockpit. There were also supposed eyewitness reports of a burning object in the sky, which indicates a possible engine failure. Like what @kerbiloid said, we probably won't learn the truth. F in the chat for everyone onboard.
  4. I saw this meme where it was like: Author: I wrote this sci fi book to warn people about the dangers of [insert tech here] Tech Company: after many years, we have finally made the tech from the sci fi classic, dont construct this tech seriously though, it wouldn't be good if a tech company made something like GLaDOS or HAL 9000 and let it loose on the world
  5. I caught the flu... Thankfully, I'm feeling way better now, but I had a 103-105 fever
  6. I'm very sorry to hear about your mother and your struggles that you are dealing with, but dont retire that way. There's always still time. Try to find a job. Heck, if you live in a state with In N Out in it, go work there! It's got a good pay rate, and you get a free meal. Go to the library and pick up a book, and try to get out of your funk. Learn about how orbital mechanics work. Focus on things that you enjoy. Just do the next right thing.
  7. If this is all a simulation, wouldn't that mean that I could randomly clip through walls? or do the crouch-fly glitch?
  8. Im pretty sure once I saw a meteor, but I was on a UFO kick and was like 10 at the time and thought it was a UFO crashing or soemthing I know aliens exist, but I don't thing us humans are that important in the grand scheme of things. Ghosts, those are a kinda yes kinda no for me, cause my great grandpa passed away earlier this year, and I have been seeing hummingbirds and once this outline of a person that was just relaxing on a bench, in the same way my great grandpa would.
  9. I was working in my uni's element collection, when the beryllium spheres in a display case rolled out due to a small earthquake. I immediately thought of galaxy quest. Amazing choice, I'm not that good at model kits or miniatures (yet), but I have gotten way better then when I was in 2019-2020. Here's a YouTuber who makes videos about miniature painting, but it also is pretty good for model kits, too.
  10. Oh, it does. Related story: I saw a ufo at Disneyland once. A bunch of other people saw it, and it was this cloudy/rainy day, and there was this flying grey disc. I have no idea what it was.
  11. uhhh... tiktok and other social medias are instigating bad mental health, which can lead to mental illnesses anyways heres a song about banning tiktok to lighten the mood
  12. my friend's nosy neighbor caused my friend to build a tall privacy fence on that side of their yard, and their neighbor just put a taller camera post up
  13. Hey everyone! I was reading a bunch of Wikipedia articles related to mysterious things, such as ARGs, secret societies (not conspiracy theories), and other things like that. If you have any cool/interesting/paranormal mysteries that either you have read about, or have actually experienced, put it in this thread. Here's mine: Kryptos - Wikipedia Kryptos, a sculpture made by Jim Sanborn for the CIA headquarters. It has it's own cipher that is made just for this, and also a bunch of other ones.
  14. I am hoping for the Star Wars Legion 501st Battleforce, which is pretty much a starter set, but for one army
  15. Less than 5 minutes from posting this, a wasp landed on my head and moved to my face. I had no idea until it walked on my eye! thankfully, it didn't sting me also some local idiot was all like hey theres a bee on your head after that, so that sucks.
  16. It's fine, Venting is important for your mental health, I have done it too on this thread, and this could pretty much be a venting thread from a certain point of view. I used to not want to work and stuff, but after going up to see family in Idaho has changed my view quite a lot on working. Now, one thing you should do RIGHT NOW, and I mean it, is call 988, for yourself, and they can help you. why doesn't she believe in it? social media?
  17. I think that it is a spaceflight simulator with quite a few RPG elements (ie, tech progression, etc), and *hopefully* an at-least simple story using the easter eggs we have found. so yes, both
  18. An RPG is something like Pokémon, where you get to go on an adventure and do shenanigans, while a simulator is something like Microsoft Flight Simulator or Digital Combat Simulator, where you simulate something, its in the name.
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