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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. Hey everyone! Over the summer, I have been working on the rules for a sci-fi themed board game with an exploration mechanic that is vital to the main part of the game. This is the first place I am putting the rules, and hopefully there will be some vital feedback from this. I also need name suggestions, so if you have any, give me some! The Game Rules
  2. So, if you have played portal 2 and beat it, you know what happens to our good friends wheatley and space core. send them into munar orbit or farther.
  3. I want to build an interplanetary orbit-constructed spacecraft, but I don't know how to rendezvous. Do you have a simple tutorial? Thanks guys.
  4. In this is a bucket, you must add on to the quote that the person above you added. for example, first commenter says something like "hello there", then the second commenter says, "general kenobi", so on and soforth. I'll go first. This is a bucket.
  5. I play splatoon, and love cold weather, and space. astrowolfie is my username in various io games so i just used it.
  6. previous rule cancelled. new rule must have Calvin's snowmen
  7. new rule: last rule is overruled by this one, and all photos must be ace combat related .
  8. Well, here's my bios for the og 4 kerbals. I'm following the way that ChatGPT wrote things for them, and it seemed to think that jeb and val were a couple lol. The KSC is also an airport in my lore. Seemed cooler. I'll do bill and bob's later.
  9. i sent bill kerman to the sun as punishment for his crimes against kerbals. and i also built jeb and val a house!
  10. Hello, I haven't been on in quite a while, but over that time, I have been using ChatGPT (a text-based ai) for writing random stories. here are a few of my favorites!
  11. HA! Congrats on encasing Kerbin with Fuzzy Ooze!
  12. Giving me Bluey flashbacks lol. Would be cool if it was a lil upbeat.
  13. Thats pretty good, put the solids on there and it is a bit more accurate. You could use it to hit a asteroid and make it a fuzzy ooze asteroid!
  14. 1. commit kessler syndrome 2. build space station with ring 3. blow up the station 4. land the ring on jool 5. put kerbals on eva on jool around a blunderbirds logo 6. land a ssto on the ring vtol style 7. post the chaos!
  15. Oh yeah, forgot we should probably put a bear or something on it.
  16. If any of you played Splatoon 3, you will remember the rocket in the story mode. I attempted to make the rocket in PS4, but it failed. (horribly) I also couldn't get the textures right, which was a major headache. Sooo, yeah. Anyone want to make the rocket? Here is the challenge: 1. Build the rocket 2. Send the rocket to LKO 3. Land the rocket at the space center 4. Everything is reusable. -Rocket Reference Image-
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